A marketing executive with more than three decades of experience, Carene Kunkler spent most of the 1990s as president of product supply for LensCrafters in Cincinnati, Ohio. Responsible for product development, purchasing, and distribution across North America, Carene Kunkler developed the industry’s first co-op program and created branded lens products such as Invisibles anti-reflective lenses and Duralens scratch-resistant lenses.
In her former role as a brand manager with Proctor and Gamble, Carene contributed to marketing and branding efforts that took Pert Shampoo from a failing product to a market leader in the beauty care arena. Her work with Proctor and Gamble garnered a World Class Copy award in the beauty care division and was featured in a Wall Street Journal profile. She also earned a mention in the autobiography of then-CEO John Pepper.
Mr. Kunkler holds a bachelor of science and a master of business administration in marketing from Michigan State University.
Cincinnati, OH, US