1111獵才顧問中心Executive Recruiting Consultancy Dept. cover image
Logo of 1111獵才顧問中心Executive Recruiting Consultancy Dept..
Logo of 1111獵才顧問中心Executive Recruiting Consultancy Dept..

1111獵才顧問中心Executive Recruiting Consultancy Dept.

Logo of 1111獵才顧問中心Executive Recruiting Consultancy Dept..
1111獵才顧問中心Executive Recruiting Consultancy Dept.
Logo of 1111獵才顧問中心Executive Recruiting Consultancy Dept..
1111獵才顧問中心Executive Recruiting Consultancy Dept.
The employer was active about 23 hours ago
產業類別: 網路相關 工作內容 .1年以上前端獨立開發經驗。 .1年以上使用Vue3前端協作並獨立開發經驗。 。Vue開發並獨立除錯經驗 .1年以上串接後端API、版控開發、團隊合作的經驗 。了解CSS/SASS、HTML5、RWD、Boostrap5有切版與除錯能力
產業類別: 網路相關 工作內容 .1年以上前端獨立開發經驗。 .1年以上使用Vue3前端協作並獨立開發經驗。 。Vue開發並獨立除錯經驗 .1年以上串接後端API、版控開發、團隊合作的經驗 。了解CSS/SASS、HTML5、RWD、Boostrap5有切版與除錯能力
Taipei City, Taiwan
600K ~ 900K TWD / year
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
產業類別: 鋼鐵工業 職責要求 1.開發鋼鐵成品 & 原物料進出口 2.合約付款出貨追蹤 3.出差拜訪客戶、供應商
產業類別: 鋼鐵工業 職責要求 1.開發鋼鐵成品 & 原物料進出口 2.合約付款出貨追蹤 3.出差拜訪客戶、供應商
Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
1.2M ~ 1.5M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
產業類別: 電腦/週邊設備製造 職責要求 1.Understand and represent what the customer needs 2.Conduct competitor analysis & market research 3.Translate business goal, market analytics, data and customer needs into sal...
產業類別: 電腦/週邊設備製造 職責要求 1.Understand and represent what the customer needs 2.Conduct competitor analysis & market research 3.Translate business goal, market analytics, data and customer needs into sal...
New Taipei City, Taiwan
800K ~ 1.2M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility