8THNS was launched in 2017 as a one-stop discovery hub for millenials of metro cities in Asia, named as Techies, Hearties, Starters and Newbies. Our mission as a curated e-commerce, is to inform and inspire them, by introducing emerging brands, and as a brand publisher to help our partner brands extend their possibilities by telling their stories with visually appealing contents. 8THNS is now preparing to transcend our initial roots as a commerce platform, to become an international online media that introduces brand, iconic people, and culture-rich cities around the World.
8THNS 於 2017年推出,為千禧年亞洲大都會地區,創造出的一站式發現中心。
8 代表無限,T =Techies 代表科技人,H = Hearties 是設計藝術人,N=Newbiest 喜歡發掘新事物,S=Starters 代表創造發明等四種不同人類。我們的使命,是以生活靈感為出發,透過策展式網路銷售服務,將值得被好好介紹的品牌,完整傳達給喜愛我們的人!同時也藉由高質感視覺與文字美學,為與我們合作的夥伴,開發出更多商務發展的可能性。 以商業平台為根基,8THNS 現在正準備再度超越自己,搖身賦予媒體的使命。透過介紹不同國家的人,背後富饒的城市文化與故事,成為更引人入勝的世界性品牌。