We are looking for an Android developer to join our team in making products that are used by millions of people around the world. You will explore new ideas, learn new technologies and build photo/videos apps that make people’s lives more fun and interesting. In addition, we believe in learning and personal growth - our developers attend workshops and conferences (such as F8 and Google I/O).
There are three main stages in our interview process:
If we see a fit with the company, we will reach out to start getting to know each other. You can expect traditional discussions as well as participating situational exercises. The goal of the interview process will be for us to see your skills and let you get to know the team and work culture to see if we are a match.
嗨!我們是來自矽谷的新創團隊 PicCollage Company,我們團隊鼓勵自由創造,擁抱差異與多元文化,打造『開放、學習、分享』的工作環境。產品開發近期以『Creative AI』為主軸,打造使用者能輕鬆發揮創意的各項影像編輯產品。
『Creative AI』 是創意 AI 的展現和延續
透過 Generative AI 和 ML 技術的研究,開發出具創意的 AI 並導入產品功能。Creative AI 不僅展現在我們挑選的技術領域,還有主打的產品開發類別,讓使用者在操作 app 的過程中展現更多創意!
主要產品『PicCollage 拼貼趣』是一個追求自由創造及分享的影像拼貼 app,主要使用者來自美國、英國及日本等國家。目前全球下載量已突破 2.6 億,每個月 1500 萬穩定用戶量,並穩定增長中。
另外,新產品團隊 Explore 持續開發新 app 產品,像是挑選片段就能產出的對拍影片 (OnBeat)、或是一張頭像就能生成你的專屬迷因 (MemeMe)、同時線上多組討論視訊軟體 (MixerChat) 等。再戰創意領域 app 的下一個產品里程碑!
期待遇見更多 #builders #dreamers #thinkers 來激盪創意,加入 PicCollage Company 和我們一起做出好玩、富有創意的軟體產品到全世界🌎
我們提供部分遠端工作:彈性工作地點 (需配合台灣時區參與會議)