軟體工程師(後端) Software Engineer, Backend (Mid. Level up)

Job updated 24 days ago
Actively Reviewing Resumes

Job Description

◗ About the Role

Turing Space was founded in 2020. We are committed to building a borderless digital trust network, advancing the global journey toward digital transformation.

As a Software Engineer, you will collaborate with the product team to continually iterate product features, enhance user experience, and develop new business models.

Our backend primarily utilizes Node.js along with various third-party services to create a distributed system, designed to handle high-traffic business scenarios while ensuring data consistency. Therefore, you will need to analyze operational data and market objectives to break down requirements, optimize architecture, assess the necessity of adopting new technologies, and resolve technical challenges that may arise during ongoing iterations.

◗ What You'll Be Doing

  • Responsibilities
    • Actively participate in development, contributing to the launch of new product features.
    • Gain a thorough understanding of the existing system and assist in architectural design optimization and technology selection.
    • Analyze online metrics to identify potential issues.
    • Keep learning with a growth mindset, proactively sharing insights and proposing actionable solutions
  • In the first month
    • Familiarize yourself with team goals, products, and future development plans.
    • Set up your work environment and master the current system architecture.
    • Become proficient with the relevant technologies and third-party services in use.
    • Understand the design objectives for current data processing approaches
  • In the first three months
    • Participate in requirements discussions and indeed finish assigned tasks.
    • Analyze system bottlenecks and propose practical solutions.
  • In the first six months, expect to
    • Plan and support product iterations in advance according to the company's development goals.
    • Discuss your next career development stage with the CTO.

◗ Latest News

  1. Turing Space攜工研院打造一站式企業身份查核平台 圖靈事實 Turing Facts正式上線
  2. 證書上鏈,將取代紙本?台灣圖靈鏈翻轉數位認證的未來


◗ Minimum Qualifications

  • Experience in development of TypeScript & Node.js or any mainstream backend programming language (e.g., Go, Java, Python)
  • Experience in development of PostgreSQL or any other RDBMS.
  • Experience in development of RabbitMQ or any other Message Queue Service.
  • Experience in Unit Testing or Integration Testing.
  • Experience in development of Git & Docker.
  • Experience in development of Cloud Platform & Kubernetes.

◗ What Makes You Stand Out in A Crowd

  • Proficiency in the following Node.js frameworks: Express.js, NestJS
  • Expertise in RDBMS, with the ability to conduct in-depth SQL performance analysis.
  • Strong understanding of distributed architecture, capable of proposing practical design solutions aligned with product development goals.
  • Skilled in system analysis, adept at using tools to quantify system performance and propose actionable optimization plans.

Interview process

  • Day 0:HR - 15 mins phone call

  HR 介紹公司背景、目前的全端工程師的需求、了解人選的職涯發展目標

  • DAY 1:Basic Tech - 2 hrs

  60mins: Live Coding

  60mins: Resume Check

  • DAY 2:Tech General & Peer Team - 2 hrs

  上半場:System Design

  • DAY 3:Final Interview - 1.5 hrs

  與 CEO、CTO 面談

3 years of experience required
900,000 ~ 1,500,000 TWD / year
Partial Remote Work
Personal Invitation Link
This is your personal referral link for job invitation. You'll receive an email notification when someone applied for the position via your job link.
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Logo of the organization.
Mid-Senior level
900K ~ 1.8M TWD / year
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Mid-Senior level
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Logo of TURING SPACE 美商圖靈.

About us

"Make TRUST Accessible. "

  台灣圖靈鏈股份有限公司,於 2020 年由創辦人胡耀傑所創立,其總公司為美國 Turing Space(美商圖靈),並設有日本分部 Turing Japan。以信任科技(TrustTech)為核心,區塊鏈技術為基礎,致力解決全球各產業繁雜的驗證問題,以建立無國界的數位信任網,推進世界數位轉型的進程,期許在 2050 年成為國際信任傳遞的基石,一同邁向 Web3.0 的共享新時代。
  我們運用區塊鏈特性:零偽造、即時驗證、去紙本化、完整溯源,打造產品「圖靈證書(Turing Certs)」,成功解決「發證機構」、「收證者」及「驗證機構」三方的驗證與管理問題。目前產品已服務於 9 個國家地區、超過 300 個政府部門和學術機構採用,發行量超過數萬張,可應用如學經歷證明、醫療證明、不動產合約書、碳權憑證等重要憑證上。
  其客戶包含世界衛生組織、亞太經合會、Erasmus+ in Italy、美商 Dun & Bradstreet、美國哈佛大學 HCAP、加州柏克萊大學法學院、菲律賓科技大學 (T.I.P.)、日本 Cert Pro 株式会社、Code for Japan。台灣地區則有中央數位發展部、中央工研院 、資策會、LINE Taiwan、Audi Taiwan、台中童綜合醫院、台灣大學國際處等機關單位都是合作夥伴。

公司概況 Turing Space
  • 創立時間:
    • 2020.06 台灣公司 Turing Chain
    • 2022.11 美國控股總公司 Turing Space Inc.
    • 2023.05 日本子公司 Turing Japan
  • 募資階段:A 輪籌備中
  • 團隊分佈:台北、涉谷、大阪、新加坡、盧森堡、柏林、荷蘭


Go back to 2018,


Then it was 2020,

初始團隊成員只有 8 人,平均年齡不到 24 歲,正職只有 2 個。工作地點從 TTA 共享辦公室,搬到老闆阿嬤家頂樓;年夜飯當天飯後,收拾好碗筷就接著在同張圓桌上連開了好幾週的會議;嘗試用厚重老映像管電視播放 PPT,可想而知接頭根本不相容。



從自身經驗出發,我們察覺紙本畢業證書存在著高手續費、高耗時、驗證程序繁瑣等弊端,於是便開始定義問題:運用區塊鏈「不可竄改」、「即時驗證」、「去紙本化」和「完整溯源」等特性來攻克上述缺點。就此,第一張 UC Berkeley 的數位畢業證書誕生,也正式宣告了你我為了一張畢業證書疲於往返學校或郵局的日常走入歷史。
                                            —This is our Day 1.

一年後來到 2021,

這一年我們從椅子比人多,迅速擴張到 30 多人;佔地 15 坪的內湖 t.Hub 辦公室,已經無法裝不下全員到齊的 All Hands 會議。我們的客戶觸及政府、教育、醫療、永續、不動產等 13 個多元產業,也因此在圖靈總能收獲著意想不到的人生體驗(比如親自下到玉米田好談成農產品產銷履歷數位化證書),因為我們已開始走進各行各業,並且註定成為他們最信賴的共事夥伴。
                             —As life, we always grow up faster than expected.

時光飛逝已是 2024,

                       —Staff locations of 2024: 50% Taiwan, 30% Japan, 20% Europe.  

圖靈從一個發行區塊鏈證書的工具,變成平台,再成為數據中心,最終逐漸茁壯為完善的數位信任生態系。四次轉變,每一次都是取得豐碩成果的大躍進:在 10 個國家與地區營運,服務近 500 間證機構,保護超過 500 萬筆的 e-credentials ,如綠電憑證與企業身份憑證。
                      —And now, we want to invite people who are like us 4 years ago!



誠摯邀請年輕開拓者加入我們,一起成為世界數位信任革命者,Make Things Happen and Make Trust Accessible!
                                              —Turing Space


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Design Manager


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