LF Logistics is part of A.P. Moller – Maersk, an integrated container logistics company working to connect and simplify its customers’ supply chains. As the logistics partner of choice for major local and multinational companies, LF Logistics offers a suite of integrated logistics and supply chain management services in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods, Food & Beverage, Footwear & Apparel and Retail sectors. Through its comprehensive distribution network in Asia, LF Logistics collaborates closely with over 400 brand owners and retailers to provide tailor-made warehousing and transport management solutions. LF Logistics connects origins and destinations with flexibility, timeliness and responsiveness. Today, with the increasing importance of e-commerce and cross border trades, LF Logistics provides a total omnichannel-fulfilment solution and operates major regional hubs and consolidation centres to optimise inventory flow and ensure quick response.
We are committed to put our customers’ needs first. Global Markets are evolving fast, and we aim to connect, protect, and simplify our customers’ supply chain in response to these changes. We are on an exciting journey to transform the flow of goods, data and materials that sustain people, businesses and economies the world over – driving our vision as a true global integrator.
Want to be part of our exciting growth journey? Join us in our Omnichannel-Fulfilment team as a ROLE TITLE! You’ll play a vital part in our success, developing, designing, and implementing innovative warehouse solutions, which bring standardisation, visibility, and actionability to our customer’s supply chains.
★★ 擴大營運強力徵才中!! 歡迎加入優質物流團隊!! ★★
LF Logistics專長於全方位三方物流解決方案,並於2013年4月併購詮瑞福物流運輸車隊,能提供專業且完整的倉儲物流及運輸服務。
「利豐物流」是在1995年透過收購一家具有百年歷史的英資傳統進口經銷商後正式成立,並於2004年於香港掛牌上市。在甫成立的短短十年間,「利豐物流」便從一家以亞洲為據點,專營快速消費品與保健產品的傳統經銷商,轉型成為全球價值鏈物流(Value-Chain Logistics)的先驅,提供全面的綜合分銷服務。更於2013年4月透過併購詮瑞福/詮瑞詮,擴大營運範圍到運輸團隊。
物流價值鏈是我們的業務模式,以物流作為基礎, 從原料至消費者,聯繫各項綜合分銷服務成為一「端至端」的價值鏈。
- 衣鞋配件
- 食品、飲料、酒、菸草
- 快速民生消費品
- 醫療器材
- 美妝用品
- Medical Device & OTC
台灣利豐物流榮獲2021年亞洲最佳企業雇主獎肯定! (HR Asia Best Companies to Work For in Taiwan in 2021)
1) Annual Leave (到職後過試用期,得預享特休年假_按每年服務天數比例計算)
2) Clinic subsidy (門診補助,實支實付,每人每年不超過20次,$200/次)
3) Group Insurance(正式員工享有公司負擔之團體保險。員工眷屬與父母則由員工自由自費參加)
4) Annual Salary Review (每年依據公司營運狀況與員工績效執行)
5) Service Awards (集團表揚長期服務金幣獎,每滿5年的倍數)
6) Staff Discount (員購特別折扣 - Roots 七折起, 玩具反斗城, HANG TEN, H:Connect等。還有簽約店家折扣)
7) Health Check Scheme (健康檢查)
8) Li Fung Day (利豐同樂日)
9) Annual Dinner & Outing (年度春酒與旅遊[福委會])
10) Profit Share & Discretionary Bonus (每年依據公司營運狀況&員工績效表校決定是否享有分紅)
11) 陪產假
12) 半薪病假 33天/年
13) 年終獎金(依據當年度公司營運狀況、員工是否在職且全年無過失決定)
14) 年節禮金[福委會]
15) 婚喪喜慶
16) 介紹獎金
17) Employee Spot Award (員工每月之星榮譽&獎金)
18) 不定期合作廠商產品購買優惠
19) 倉儲物流士配有季節制服
20) 現場人員配穿安全鞋