1.ADATA Industrial Introduction (Company profile & Product roadmap)
2.Industrial products key features & technology
3.Understanding about the customer's application requirement
4.Understanding about the market demand / market trend
5.Understanding about competitor's sales and marketing strategy & product lines
6.Support Local sales request (internal process for order and sample request / technical document / shipping date confirmation/ payment follow up)
7.Supporting existing accounts.
8.Sales plan & marketing plan implement.
A.Major Field of study: Any profession.
B.Language skills:English & INDIAN state dialogue
C.Computer skills:MS Office. Word, Excel, Power Point.
D.Trait needs: Optimistic and cheerful, out-going, proactive, teamwork, good at listening and communicating, and being resourceful
Eligible students:graduating class of 06/2025
Internship Period:2025/02/17~2025/06/30 Maximum work hours is 20/week (subject to student course schedule)
Workplace:25th Floor, No. 533, Tammei Street, Neihu District, Taipei City
作為全球第二大記憶體、SSD自有品牌模組廠及台灣第19大國際品牌。ADATA除記憶體外,也提供完整電競產品、工業應用解決方案、商用電動車與AI智能機器人等多元產品。秉持「不斷創新、追求卓越」信念,持續推出領先業界產品,更屢獲「台灣精品獎」及iF Design、Reddot等多項國際產品大獎肯定;發揮「以人為本、社會關懷」精神,自2020年開始,威剛連續三年獲「亞洲企業社會責任獎」及「亞洲最佳企業雇主」。此外,威剛更締造高難度「三冠王」成就,是唯一獲國際職場文化領域的權威研究機構「卓越職場®」評為「亞洲最佳職場™」、「大中華區最佳職場™」、「台灣最佳職場™」的台灣品牌,威剛總公司與美國、巴西子公司皆獲「卓越職場認證™」。秉持敏捷效率的「蜂鳥精神」,未來,ADATA將持續利用創新科技為人們創造豐富多彩的智慧生活!欲瞭解詳盡訊息,歡迎造訪威剛科技官方網站www.adata.com