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行銷實習生 Marketing Intern

Công việc được cập nhật 11 tháng

Mô tả công việc

我們正在尋找一位心態不只是實習生的行銷新血,他渴望在快速衝刺的團隊中有舞台發揮所長,和我們共同將 AIFIAN 的價值傳遞給更多人。

作為 AIFIAN 的行銷實習生,你需要有源源不絕的創意和熱情,透過各式實戰機會、解決在課堂中沒碰過的陌生問題,在實習的期間累積屬於自己的作品。如果你嚮往有挑戰、快節奏且歡迎提出自我觀點的工作環境,我們鼓勵你和 AIFIAN 一起成長,並能在未來成為我們正式的夥伴。


  • 12 週(實習週期彈性,可依雙方合議視情況延長)


  • 資料蒐集、整理與分析,將你的洞察應用在未來的專案企劃裡。
  • 參與活動企劃發想,支援行銷專案。
  • AIFIAN 社群貼文撰寫。
  • AIFIAN Blog 文章撰寫與編輯。

Yêu cầu



  • 科系不限,但請務必附上個人的文案作品集
  • 具備創意發想、文案與長篇文章撰稿能力。
  • 是一個樂觀正向的人,不會因為小挫折就輕易放棄。
  • 積極主動,勇於提出新的想法和意見,不因循過往既有的方法和流程。
  • 具有自我覺察及反思的能力,知道自己在做什麼、為什麼要做以及怎麼做會更好。
  • 具有開放的心態,在快速變化的環境中能夠自主學習,保持主動的好奇心,喜歡多想一步。
  • 膽大心細,遇到陌生問題不會驚慌失措,能享受在未知中尋找答案的過程;細心謹慎,對於細節不苟且。


  • 了解 SEO 基礎概念。
  • 具備社群經營經驗、熟悉內容行銷技巧。
  • 曾有在新創團隊的實習經驗。
  • 若有經營自媒體或文章作品集等,歡迎附上相關內容讓我們更認識你。
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Không yêu cầu kinh nghiệm
250 TWD / hour
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Về chúng tôi


AIFIAN is at the forefront of transforming real-world asset investment globally. Our mission is to democratize access to smart investment opportunities, leveraging advanced technology to bridge traditional finance and modern accessibility. Following our successful soft launch in Taiwan in 2023, focusing on the burgeoning market of liquor investments, we've captured significant enthusiasm. As we prepare to scale our operations internationally, we're expanding our team to champion AIFIAN's vision worldwide.

Our values

At AIFIAN, we foster a collaborative environment devoid of traditional hierarchies. Titles and tenure are set aside as we let our accomplishments speak for themselves. We operate as a united team with a shared objective, constantly pushing each other to excel. Every team member is regarded as a decision-maker, holding autonomy and trust. We believe in the capability of our partners to shoulder responsibilities and contribute their best efforts.


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