台灣人工智慧實驗室 Taiwan AILabs cover image
Logo of 台灣人工智慧實驗室 Taiwan AILabs.
Logo of 台灣人工智慧實驗室 Taiwan AILabs.

台灣人工智慧實驗室 Taiwan AILabs

Logo of 台灣人工智慧實驗室 Taiwan AILabs.
台灣人工智慧實驗室 Taiwan AILabs
Logo of 台灣人工智慧實驗室 Taiwan AILabs.
台灣人工智慧實驗室 Taiwan AILabs

Company summary

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Taiwan AI Labs develop the next-generation AI solutions.

Our team empowers intelligence for Taiwan healthcare system, smart city solutions and social natural conversations. We collaborate with top research institutes in the world and work on cutting edge technologies in large-scale system.

Products or services

At, our focus areas are Healthcare, Smart City and Human interaction and these areas include research ranging from natural language processing, computer vision to deep learning and other advanced approaches.
Cooperating with several hospitals in Taiwan, TAIMedimg assists doctors to make precise diagnoses by labeling lesions in medical images, which significantly reduces the clinical diagnosis time while improving healthcare quality.
Our Smart City Team is focusing on the real-world problem in the city. By leveraging the power of drone, we provide 360° solution for sightseeing and easing traffic in cities.

Join us to fight SARS-CoV-2 with Taiwan AI solutions:


Our mission is to define the future experience with AI for the world.

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Yating(, a Taiwan AI Labs’ company, provides a dynamic startup environment that fosters exceptional career development opportunities. We are looking for talented professio...
Taipei City, Taiwan
80 ~ 150 TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility

Datong District, Taipei City, Taiwan 103
900K ~ 2M TWD / year
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility

配合公司快速的業務擴展,我們正在招募資深後端工程師。您將在一個敏捷的團隊中工作,我們期待您有分析並系統性解決問題的能力,並且不怕面對挑戰,而且願意學習精進自我。更重要的是,我們希望您有優秀的合作和溝通能力,能和團隊成員一起打造優秀的產品,因為我們相信,傑出的產品來自良好團隊的合作。 身為資深後端工程師,您將負責: 1. 設計大型、具備容錯能力的雲端服務基礎建設 2. 分析及增進各個子系統的效...
Datong District, Taipei City, Taiwan 103
900K ~ 2M TWD / year
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility

Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
51 ~ 200