職位: 記者/製作人 – Almost
時間: 即日起
薪資: 時薪183NT起(視經驗調整)
性質: 兼職(一週 20 小時)
地點: 台北(混合辦公)
Almost 是一家以 Instagram 和 TikTok 為主要平台的中英雙語媒體,專為年輕人傳遞全球新聞故事,現正尋找一名中文實習記者/製作人。
Almost 由前 BuzzFeed News 和 Bloomberg 的受眾開發編輯 Kassy Cho 創立,旨在讓年輕人了解全球重要議題,並賦予他們積極行動的力量,改變他們所生活的世界。
與 Kassy 和她的團隊一起工作,你將有機會在一個令人興奮、快節奏的數位媒體新創公司中獲得實踐經驗,並發展新聞報導、影片製作和編輯、SEO 以及社群媒體經營方面的技能。
工作內容 Responsibilities:
應徵條件 Preferred skills:
有意者請將中英文履歷、求職信及相關作品集寄至 [email protected]
信件標題:Almost 記者/製作人_中英文姓名
Almost is an Instagram and TikTok-first media outlet focused on world news stories for young people.
Founded by award-winning journalist and audience strategist Kassy Cho, Almost’s mission is to inform young people – in particular young women – about important issues that are going on around the world and inspire them to take positive action to shape the world they live in.
As part of the mission to help people become more aware of the world around them and how complex topics happening worldwide directly affect them, Almost is also available in Chinese to make world news more accessible for Mandarin-speaking audiences on Instagram.