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Data Science Engineer - Location: Hsinchu

Job updated 6 mois ago

Description du Travail

Key Responsibilities

- EMI (Enterprise Manufacturing Intelligence) product design, development, testing, & documentation
- EMI production support, EMI Product delivery support, and CIM delivery with EMI project support resulting in satisfied customers.
- Organize meetings concerning all phases of product & project lifecycle (requirement collection, specification, development and testing, delivery and sign-off).
- Determine solutions for customer requirements through the application of EMI. This includes analyzing and understanding customer manufacturing issues and requirements, understanding the customer environment and documenting its processes and procedures, mapping the processes and procedures on CIM components and interfacing with software engineers on EMI application functionality and operation. It also includes determining the requirements for functionality required beyond the standard product offering.
- Participate in documentation reviews as appropriate.
- Participate in on-going training to customers for sales and marketing issues.
- Keep up-to-date on new technologies and new products by attending classes, seminars, conferences, and/or presentations.
- Meet department and/or company quality standards.

Profil demandé

- Master's degree in industrial engineering or information engineering
- Expert knowledge of database system, including SQL, Big data framework, ex., Snowflake, Hadoop, Apache Spark, and so on
- A minimum of 3 years of experience in develop an EMI (Enterprise Manufacutre system for semiconductor or related Industries (Prefer to have 300 mm and backend experience) , LCD, LED & Solar industries or nice to have Medical Device & Electronic manufacturing experience
- Expert knowledge of data science, including, not limited to, data visulaization, Machine Learning and AI, Unstructured data, and so on.
- Preferred to master Python programming, R Programming, C# programming, Web programming, & SQL Programming
- With rich team development experience with more than 2 years leader experience
- Software engineering expertise
- Aggressive and Cooperative

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3 years of experience required
40,000+ TWD / mois
Travail à Distance Partiel
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應用材料公司(Applied Materials, Inc.)是世界最大半導體及顯示器設備領導廠商,名列全球前五百大公司之一。成立於1967年,總部設於美國加州矽谷聖塔克拉拉 (Santa Clara),在美國、歐洲、以色列、台灣以及新加坡等地設有技術研發與製造中心,>120個服務據點廣布於全球24個國家,員工人數超過33,000位。

台灣應用材料公司(Applied Materials Taiwan)為在台子公司,服務據點包括林口、新竹、台中、台南與高雄,獨一無二的設施為新竹的全球技術培訓中心(GTLC)、台南顯示器設備製造中心與研發實驗室,以及8吋半導體設備製造中心,位於桃園的亞洲設備零件物流中心, 發貨全亞洲客戶。

應用材料公司是提供材料工程解決方案的領導者,我們的設備用來製造幾近世界上每顆新式晶片與先進顯示器。我們以工業規模在原子層級進行材料改質的專業,協助客戶將可能轉化成真。 在應用材料公司,我們以創新實現更美好未來。

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