- 計劃並執行所有網頁,SEO / SEM,電子郵件,社交媒體和顯示廣告。
- 設計,建立和維護我們的社交媒體形象,包括Facebook,Linkedin和Line。
- 測量,討論和分析所有數字營銷活動的績效,並根據目標(ROI和KPI)進行評估和優化。
- 計劃,執行和衡量實驗和轉換測試。
- 識別趨勢和見解,並根據見解優化支出和績效。
- 通過數字營銷和/或傳統營銷集思廣益,制定新的創造性增長策略
- 與內部團隊合作以創建登錄頁面並優化用戶體驗。
- 利用分析能力評估跨多管道和客戶接觸點的端到端客戶體驗。
- 確定關鍵的轉換點和落點,並優化用戶渠道。
- 與代理商和其他供應商合作夥伴合作。
- 評估新興技術。
- 提供適當的思想領導力和觀點供採納。
- Plans and executes all web, SEO/SEM, email, social media, and display advertising campaigns.
- Designs, builds, and maintains our social media presence including Facebook, Linkedin and Line.
- Measures, discusses and analyses performance of all digital marketing campaigns and assesses and optimizes against goals (ROI and KPIs).
- Plans, executes, and measures experiments and conversion tests.
- Identifies trends and insights and optimizes spend and performance based on the insights.
- Brainstorms new and creative growth strategies through digital marketing and/or traditional marketing.
- Collaborates with internal teams to create landing pages and optimize user experience.
- Utilizes strong analytical ability to evaluate end-to-end customer experience across multiple channels and customer touch points.
- Identifies critical conversion points and drop off points and optimizes user funnels.
- Collaborates with agencies and other vendor partners.
- Evaluates emerging technologies.
- Provides thought leadership and perspective for adoption where appropriate.