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Logo of Arc & Codementor.

Arc & Codementor

Logo of Arc & Codementor.
Arc & Codementor
Logo of Arc & Codementor.
Arc & Codementor

Company summary

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我們是一個穩健的新創團隊,有著穩定的成長曲線,目前團隊成員遍及十幾個國家,實行極彈性的全遠端工作制度 —— 你可以選擇在任何地方工作!

我們的任務是幫助所有優秀的工程、行銷及設計人才,打破地理及時間限制,擁有好的全遠距職涯發展及學習機會。為此,我們團隊開發出兩項產品:Arc 和 Codementor,目前雙平台的總註冊人數已超過一百萬人!

Arc 始於 2019,是一個遠端職涯媒合平台,我們透過精準的媒合機制,及客製化輔導諮詢,幫助工程師們在短時間內找到頂尖的遠端工作機會,於2024年擴編服務,將人才媒合服務擴展到行銷及設計人才。

Codementor 始於 2014,是一個遠端學習平台,工程師們可以透過 Codementor 找到能幫助他們及時解決程式問題的導師,也可以利用 Codementor Events 舉辦或參加各種程式開發相關的線上活動。

我們曾獲得 Techstars, 500 startups 等知名加速器投資,且多次被 TechCrunch, Forbes, WSJ, Mashable 及各大媒體報導,客戶及主要市場在北美和歐洲地區等英語系國家。我們的產品正在一點一滴改變全人類的生活和工作模式,歡迎加入我們,一起做改變世界的產品!



We’re a global, remote-first company with 50+ team members worldwide and a solid growth trajectory. Our mission is to help anyone, starting with software developers, to build amazing remote careers from anywhere in the world. We have 2 products to help us achieve this goal: Arc and Codementor. Both platforms have expanded beyond 1 million total sign-ups!

Arc is a remote career platform, helping people build amazing remote careers from anywhere. 

Codementor is a developer community, helping developers learn remotely and grow professionally through live mentorship and virtual events.

We’re backed by Techstars and 500 Startups, and have been featured in TechCrunch, Forbes, WSJ, Mashable, and more. Our products are literally changing tens of thousands of people’s lives around the world. Come join us and make products that change the world together!

Products or services




Our mission is to empower talent to build remote careers from anywhere.

Employee benefits

  • 全遠端、國際化的工作團隊
  • 很有活力,喜歡有趣的挑戰
  • 成員背景多元,不只會交流程式語言,也會交流各國語言
  • 溝通扁平,我們相信所有想法都是讓團隊繼續成長的動力
  • 喜歡學習,交流新事物
  • 致力於解決真正的問題,而非虛榮的指標
  • 線上線下都會有好玩的事情

  • 到職即有假,且無限年假
  • 彈性的上下班時間和工作地點 (aka 全遠距辦公!)
  • 年度健康檢查補助
  • 員工在家工作軟硬體補助(包含網路費、辦公桌椅、螢幕...等)
  • 每年學習金補助
  • 生日和工作週年有精心準備的感人卡片及小禮物
  • 每兩個月有Cowork Day/Happy Hour包下餐廳一起辦公+吃喝+teambonding

​Why Arc & Codementor?
  • A smart and energetic team that is passionate about solving customers’ needs and loves to learn new things
  • Diverse team members - our colleagues are from different countries and backgrounds. We’re excited to share our experience with you
  • Flat organizational structure - you'll be able to make a profound impact on the work we do and every idea is welcome
  • Unlimited paid time-off policy
  • Annual learning stipend 
  • Remote work stipend
  • Annual health check subsidy (TW)
  • Team bonding activities, bi-monthly office happy hour
  • Flexible working hours and locations (Fully remote work)​

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Growth Lead
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Founder & CEO
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We're looking for a Senior Product Manager to join our team to help build Arc ! You'll work closely with designers, developers, analysts, and other functions to drive the product development proces...
Taipei City, Taiwan
1.2M ~ 1.8M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility

We're looking for a Business Operations Specialist to help build Arc and Codementor ! You'll work closely across our sales, marketing, support, and product teams to lead projects and build out proc...
Taipei City, Taiwan
700K ~ 1M TWD / year
4 years of experience required
No management responsibility