軟體研發工程師/主管 (多名)
• 國立大學資科/資工/電控/電腦/軟體工程/數學/相關技術學系 (學士, 碩士或博士學位)。
• 熟練掌握C語言/C++/C#/Java 及Windows環境的程式設計。
• 擁有豐富的多執行緒程式設計、物件導向程式設計(OOP)及設計模式等領域的知識。
• 具深度學習,機器大數據,或影像處理等經驗者佳。
• 具2年以上軟體程式設計及開發經驗 (剛畢業者入職,以初級軟體工程師任用)。
• 擁有良好的英語聽說讀寫能力。
• 獨立性強,積極主動,勇於追求成就。
ASMPT is a leading, global supplier of semiconductor wafer processing equipment. Our smart and ambitious team is dedicated to delivering innovative technology solutions to the world’s leading semiconductor manufacturers. With over 2,200 employees based in 16 countries, including the United States, Netherlands, Belgium, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan. Together we work to develop thin-film deposition technologies for our customers through epitaxy, ALD, PEALD, vertical furnaces and PECVD. Our goal is to remain an industry leader by being ahead of what’s next. Focusing on finding collaborative solutions to make integrated circuits, or chips, smaller, faster and even more powerful.
Be part of our exciting future and join our team. Take a look on LinkedIn at our Careers tab in the top.