At this role, you will develop the end to end solution. The main backend architecture solution will be AWS serverless architecture and the main frontend technology will be React.
Ability to write well-documented, clean JavaScript code.
Familiar with JavaScript (or TypeScript), including ES6+ syntax.
Strong experience with React workflows, hooks, and context.
Familiar with tailwind or bootstrap
Familiar with state management libraries (e.g.,Zustand, Jotai) is better.
Familiar with data fetching libraries like react-query, swr, RTK-query
Experience with API integration
2+ years experience in Frontend role
Good communication skills
[Nice to have]
Familiar with AWS Serverless Architecture EX: Lamda, API Gateway
1. Technical interview
2. Taipei manager interview
3. HR interview
Bahwan CyberTek (BCT)成立於1999年,致力於提供各個產業數位轉型方案。台北分公司成立於2016年,在集團中專注於Digital Applications & Services Practice解決方案。在BCT你有機會跟跨國團隊一起合作多項重量級產品開發,一起用我們的技術來讓世界變得更有趣。