SME Relationship Manager (Lending)

Job updated about 1 month ago

Job Description

  • Melakukan solicit untuk mencari debitur prospek untuk pengajuan kredit dan penempatan dana, sesuai dengan target yang diberikan.
  • Menganalisa dan menjalankan proses pemberian kredit dari pengajuan sampai pencairan kredit, memastikan agar proses berjalan sesuai dengan SLA.
  • Melakukan monitoring liabilitas debitur dan melakukan billing kepada kreditur yang belum melunaskan tanggung jawab pembayaran.


  • S1 dari semua jurusan.
  • Pengalaman kerja minimal 2-3 tahun di bidang marketing atau sales perbankan.
  • Pemahaman terkait perbankan, proses pengajuan kredit, dan laporan keuangan.
  • Berorientasi pada target.
  • Kemampuan komunikasi dan sosialisasi yang baik.
  • Nyaman dalam melakukan aktivitas marketing kepada nasabah.
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3M ~ 6M IDR / month
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4.5M ~ 5M IDR / month
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About us

PT Bank KB Bukopin Tbk (“Company”) is a company engaged in the banking sector. Bank Bukopin (now: KB Bank) was established on July 10, 1970, and is known as the Indonesian Cooperative Commercial Bank.

On February 23, 2021, after receiving an effective statement from the OJK, the Company announced a name change from PT Bank Bukopin Tbk to PT Bank KB Bukopin Tbk.

Carrying the tagline “Kita Bisa karena Bersama”, KB Bank is determined to realize its vision of becoming a Top 10 bank in Indonesia.

Composition after the Limited Public Offering (PUT) VII, the composition of KB Bank share ownership is KB Kookmin Bank at 66.88%, STIC Eugene Star Holdings Inc. at 16.98% and public 16.14%.

KB Kookmin Bank is in first place among the largest banks in South Korea with assets of US$396.70 billion as of September 2023. So that it has enormous and strong financial capabilities to support the development of KB Bank. In addition, KB Kookmin Bank also has a customer base that reaches 70% of South Korea's population, and has the highest credit rating among Korean banks, and is known as the most profitable, solid and stable financial business entity.


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Human Capital Business Partner Department Lead