【工作內容&職責 Job description & Duty】
1. 協助公司商業策略制定 Assist with the establishment of company business strategy
2. 協助募資資料籌備 Assist with fundraising material preparation
3. 根據專案進行商業案例與趨勢分析 Conduct business cases study and trends analysis based on project
4. 專案財務建模與預測 Project financial modeling and projection
5. 進行資料收集、分析並彙整成果 Conduct data gathering and analysis, and deliver a logical conclusion
6. 報告撰寫與簡報製作 Report writing and presentation
【職務優勢 Position Advantages】
1. 參與先進產業發展計畫 Participate in advanced development projects
2. 擁有新創生態圈聯繫與拓展網絡的機會 Opportunity to liaise and network with the startup ecosystem
3. 可預見更大前景的職位 A promising vocation to see the bigger picture
【應試條件 Applicant requirements】
1. 具有經濟、金融、統計或管理領域學士學位 Bachelor’s degree in economics, finance, statistics or management.
2. 具有1年以上相關產業經驗 1+ years of relevant experience in the industry
3. 具有科技產業的商業知識 Knowledge reserve of business in technology industry
4. 具有運用工具進行數據分析的能力 Capability of data analysis by using tools
有以下特質為佳 Personal traits we preferred:
1. 自律 Self-disciplined/ Motivated
2. 注重細節與分析思維 Be detail-oriented and analytical thinking
3. 良好團隊合作 Good teamwork capability
4. 良好的英文溝通與簡報能力 Have good communication and presentation skills in English
5. 願意為具挑戰性的目標努力 Willing to work towards challenging goals
Please email your CV to the email address, and let us know why you want to join us: [email protected]
This position is a great fit if you are interested in advanced product development and international collaborative projects. Looking forward to your passionate onboarding.
【關於我們 About Bellwether Taiwan】
Bellwether Advanced Mobility Solutions (瑞鑑航太) 是英國新創公司 Bellwether Industries 關係企業。聚焦於城市空中交通載具的設計與工程研究,從飛行載具研發起步,推動先進智慧移動解決方案,打造未來智慧交通的全新型態。
Bellwether Advanced Mobility Solutions is an affiliate enterprise of a UK-based startup Bellwether Industries Limited. Starting with compact aircraft and drone research and development, Bellwether Taiwan is specialised in advanced mobility solutions covering design, engineering, and business consultancy services.
國際化視野 International Vision
Bellwether 能帶給你國際化的視野與經歷,涉足歐洲、中東與亞洲等,將培養有潛力的夥伴成為全球佈局的一份子,踏入新創與資本領域。
Bellwether can bring you international vision and experience across Europe, Middle East, and Asia. We cultivate potential partners to become members of the global tactics and step into the startup and venture territory.