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Program Manager (手持式裝置)

Job updated about 1 month ago
Actively Reviewing Resumes

Job Description

Program Managers drive and manage custom product definition, business case, customer Use case(s), project scoping, quoting, and overall execution activities required to create customer specific hardware and/or software based solutions in accordance with established and defined business metrics. These projects can be varied in nature and will range from simple “turn-key” hardware or software solutions, country approval and/or cellular carrier approval requests to projects with high technical/execution complexity and/or high touch with sales team and customer components.


The position will have responsivity for driving multiple concurrent custom product activities and programs, leveraging diverse engineering teams located across our global engineering and support function footprint, for multiple customer opportunities across our portfolio. This position has the responsibility for supporting the definition, introduction, and overall program management of the customer specific hardware and/or software solution requests including interfacing with client's account teams, operations team members, and customers. Key performance metrics include of the position include: overall customer satisfaction, NRE quote response time, overall development cycle time, product quality, project NRE cost and schedule adherence, as well as overall product cost and margin.

In addition to the above, the position also includes managing and executing select projects associated with the Custom Products Group’s Independent Hardware Vendor (IHV) and 3rd Party Sales programs. These programs include managing and overseeing a small cross-functional team whose activities include testing, certifying, and releasing “validated” 3rd party branded OEM solutions into the client's portfolio. Responsibilities may also include generating and executing a yearly business plan with the Product Management organization to drive year-over-year revenue growth.

Provides assistance with coordination of multiple simultaneous custom product deliverables to assist in project execution. Personally addresses obstacles or issues minor in nature and escalates complex issues to the more senior program manager for resolution and/or corrective action(s). Gathers status updates from various team members and provides a consolidated update to the senior program manager.

Will begin to use project management tools including simple scheduling/resourcing, simple budget management, and have the ability to generate graphical data and/or metrics using raw data from the custom products database.

Will assist the Custom product Program managers as needed to drive pre-release demand planning activities, coordinate JDM factory builds and expediting activities. This can also include on-site support at JDM and/or JDM supplier locations to help ensure program schedules and/or quality standards are maintained.

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2 years of experience required
750,000 ~ 1,000,000 TWD / year
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博彥遵循全球最高的質量和安全標準,實施嚴密的安全措施,擁有完善、成熟的管理和開發流程,獲得了CMMI 5、ISO 20000、ISO 9001、ISO 27001一系列資質認證,並憑藉深厚的行業專長和成熟的行業實踐、國際化的精英團隊和完善的人才管理、完備的全球化交付和無縫的客戶服務網絡以及無處不在的創新精神和非凡的創新實踐,助力全球企業盡享安全智能的科技革新所帶來的卓越運營,為客戶持續創造關鍵價值,實現差異化服務戰略。


Mid-Senior level
800K ~ 1.1M TWD / year

Mid-Senior level
1M ~ 1.4M TWD / year

Mid-Senior level
800K ~ 1.2M TWD / year