2018年在台灣彰化大村成立的電動車專賣店-Bikeplus采辰國際行銷。創辦Bikeplus的想法是我們的CEO觀察外籍移工來台的交通工具的缺乏、通訊及網路的需求,電動自行車可能比自行車更適合遠程旅行及到達目地的,在思考規劃的過程中,碰巧遇到朋友從事電動自行車生廠工廠,開始規劃開店品牌設定,Bikeplus是由Bike(腳踏車)示意為『移動』+plus(加)示意為『無限加』,移動是每天的生活之一,bikeplus未來提供食衣住行育樂, 加上更多生活上的無限可能附加。
Bikeplus is an e-bike store established in Dacun, Changhua, Taiwan in 2018. The idea to establish Bikeplus occurred when our CEO observe the lack of transportation the foreigners faced. He saw that the e-bike seems to be suitable transportation for long-distance travel rather than the bicycle. During the research, he happened to get the chance to learn more about e-bikes as one of his friends is also happened to be in the e-bike business. He began to learn and plan the idea for opening a store. The origin of Bikeplus is originated from “Bike” (bicycle) as in mobile and “plus” as in infinite plus. As mobility is part of our daily and Bikeplus plans to provide more in the future such as food, clothing, housing, transportation, entertainment, and much more infinite possibilities in life
Bikeplus adalah toko sepeda listrik yang berdiri di Dacun, Changhua pada tahun 2018. Ide untuk mendirikan Bikeplus dimulai ketika CEO kami memperhatikan dan menaruh hati terhadap transportasi para tenaga kerja asing. Dia melihat bahwa sepeda listrik jauh lebih baik daripada sepeda biasa, dimana terkadang jarak yang ditempuh cukup jauh dan memakan waktu. Selama pengamatan dan analisa berlangsung, CEO kami mendapatkan kesempatan untuk belajar lebih lanjut tentang sepeda listrik karena kebetulan salah satu temannya juga terjun di bisnis sepeda listrik. Dia bergabung dengan temannya dengan belajar secara perlahan bagaimana cara merakit dan membongkar, juga memperbaiki sepeda listrik.
電動車賣買&電動車配件升級維修、SIM CARD 通訊網路平板手機設備&家用寬頻WIFI、協助報考汽機車駕照、車輛托運、國際寄貨、網路購物
Currently we provide products and services, such as Electric bike & accessories, modification and repair, SIM CARD communication network, tablet phone equipment & home broadband WIFI, assistance in applying for automobile and motorcycle driver’s licenses, vehicle consignment, international shipping, online shopping
Saat ini, kami menyediakan produk dan servis antara lain; Sepeda listrik dan aksesoris, modifikasi dan servis, kartu SIM jaringan internet, handphone, tablet beserta aksesoris&jaringan internet WIFI, jasa layanan untuk pendaftaran Surat Ijin Mengemudi baik mobil ataupun motor, konsinyasi sepeda, pengiriman internasional, belanja online.
公司福利 Employee Benefits
- 餐費補助 Meal Subsidy
- 勞健保勞退 Labor Insurance and retirement
- 業績獎金(無上限) Target Bonus
- 免費員工課程進修 Free Staff Training Course
- 員工購機優惠 Employee Discount
- 旅游補助 10000元 Travel subsidy up to 10000NTD
- 不定期聚餐 Dinner Party