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Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.

Cake Recruitment Consulting

Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
Cake Recruitment Consulting
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
Cake Recruitment Consulting

Company summary

🔥This is the Cake Recruitment Consulting official web page🔥

Cake Recruitment Consulting - Executive Search, Contracting, EoR/Payroll

We offer a full range of services, including Executive Search, Contracting, and EoR/Payroll, to meet all your recruitment needs.

Our Special Advantages and Differentiation:

  • Professional Recruiter + Direct Sourcing - All consultants have industry experience. In addition to providing accurate talent search. E.g Identify relevant client’s competitors, and engage in comprehensive talent acquisition, building long-term relationships with candidates, and providing market information to clients.
  • CakeResume AI + Martech Recruitment - By leveraging digital Martech technology and employer branding, the recruitment process is optimized. Through a database of millions of potential candidates who would not normally appear, the number of candidates reached is increased and speeds up the sourcing process to fill the talent gap.

About Cake Recruitment Consulting
Cake is the Leading Asia talent platform. With over millions+ active resumes in our database and still it is increasing every day.

Currently more than 7,000+ clients are using our recruitment services.

Products or services

For Candidate:

All positions are the most latest jobs. If you are interested it to learn more details about opportunitites. Feel free to click the JD and apply it or contact our Consultants accordingly.

We are your Career Partner💪

For Employer: 

Cake’s Recruitment Consulting Team has successfully helped Fortune 500 & startup companies recruit top talent of all kinds.

Hire Better Talent, Faster with CakeResume AI & Recruitment Professionals.

Most Professions in our Key Industries✨

  • Information Technology & MIS
  • Industries Technology Positions
  • Engineering + Manufacturing
  • Semiconductor
    • IC Design & EDA
    • Foundry
    • Assembly & Test
    • Equipment
    • Chemical and Materials
    • FMCG, Retail, E-Commerce
    • Financial Industries


      Do the right thing, Do the thing right! 


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      Sr. Consultant
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      Sr. Consultant
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      Sr. Consultant
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      Associate Consultant
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      Avatar of the user.



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      1. 平台內容維護:漫畫和小說內容的上架、下架及更新。 2. 平台版位管理並發想文案及策展內容。 3. 營運活動規劃執行。 4. 客服回覆及用戶留言及評論管理。 5. 平台營運數據整理與分析。 6. 主管交辦事項。
      Neihu District, Taipei City, Taiwan
      30K ~ 38K TWD / month
      1 years of experience required
      No management responsibility

      負責台灣市場銷售活動和客戶服務 跟進台灣客戶合約和訂單 實現季度/年度銷售和利潤目標 協助開發台灣市場 建立和維護客戶關係 處理客訴和售後服務 及時處理訂單 協調內外部資源以達成銷售目標 管理銷售相關溝通,包括訂單、物流和運營 控制應收賬款 執行行銷活動 製作及管理銷售報告
      New Taipei City, Taiwan
      40K ~ 45K TWD / month
      2 years of experience required
      No management responsibility

      Company Highlight 成立20+年,業務範圍遍及美洲、歐洲、亞洲,穩定成長中 福利超優!彈性上下班,進修補助,健檢福利,舒適辦公設備 Responsibilities Work with Customer Service : Recreate and analyze user-reported issues, obtain logs, and debug. Gather Deb...
      New Taipei City, Taiwan
      1M ~ 1.5M TWD / year
      3 years of experience required
      No management responsibility

      Company Highlight 知名跨國製造業,台灣是總部 HR管理職 管理海外HR Policy,負責人力資源策略規劃等 Responsibilities 人力資源策略與規劃: 根據公司的業務目標,制定並實施全面的人力資源戰略。 持續檢討和優化人力資源政策與流程,確保符合公司發展需求。 為高層管理層提供人力資源方面的決策支持與建議,推動組織文化的建立與維護。 跨國人力資源管理:協調公司...
      Taipei, Taiwan
      1.8M ~ 2.2M TWD / year
      10 years of experience required
      Managing 1-5 staff

      【Company Highlight】 🌟 門市已超過300間,注重數位化,已數位轉型完成 🌟 辦公環境漂亮舒適開放,挑高設計與四層開放大空間 🌟 員工享有消費折扣優待 【Responsibilities】 具備網站開發(.NET on GCP)專案管理經驗,了解整個開發生命週期。 熟悉前端和後端開發技術,及網站性能優化和安全性實踐,應對不同技術整合。 熟悉客戶體驗最佳實踐,將技術和業務需求...
      Sanzhong District, New Taipei City, Taiwan
      700K ~ 1.3M TWD / year
      4 years of experience required
      No management responsibility