1. 維護現有平台
2. 開發課程學習新功能
3. 平台現有視覺最佳化
1. 2 ~ 3 年以上的正職經驗
2. 熟悉 HTML 、 CSS 、 Vue 、 Nuxt
3. 有 Git 版本控制經驗
4. 良好的溝通能力與表達能力
5. 重視程式品質,不讓 bug 隨意出現
1. 熟悉 ES6+
2. SSR 開發經驗
3. 具備 Unit Test 經驗
4. 具備 UI/UX 基本概念
5. 熟悉搜尋引擎與 SEO 最佳化
HR 線上面談 → 三天線上基礎概念作業 → 現場技術面試
💎 若對本職缺感興趣,請準備履歷直接與獵才招募顧問Crystal Lin聯繫。
聯繫人:招募顧問Crystal Lin
LINE : https://line.me/ti/p/j08n-EvP0A (ID: got34yt)
若您在參考前端機會,歡迎參考Cake - 獵頭Crystal的職缺列表!
Cake 蛋糕職報 - Kick Start Your Dream Career! - Crystal Lin
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Cake Recruitment Consulting - Executive Search, Contracting, EoR/Payroll
We offer a full range of services, including Executive Search, Contracting, and EoR/Payroll, to meet all your recruitment needs.
Our Special Advantages and Differentiation:
About Cake Recruitment Consulting
Cake is the Leading Asia talent platform. With over millions+ active resumes in our database and still it is increasing every day.
Currently more than 7,000+ clients are using our recruitment services.