🌎優質Fintech 金融科技公司- HRBP or HR Specialist - NC

Job updated about 19 hours ago

Job Description

Company Highlight
  • 外商Fintech 金融科技公司,在雪梨、香港、新加坡、馬來西亞及東南亞等其它國家設有辦事處及分公司,為跨國性金融科技服務集團
  • 國際化工作環境且穩定
  • Full function HR,過去如有招募、或是薪酬經驗都是加分條件


  • 負責招募流程作業,包含需求確認、選才、面談與任用管理
  • 以 HRBP 角度協助各部門人才發展
  • 規劃與執行日常薪酬、薪資獎金結算
  • 教育訓練需求規劃、績效考核執行、員工關係維護
  • 人資相關規章制度、辦法、工作規則修訂與執行
  • 執行並優化各種 HR funtion 日常例行性事務


  • 具 3 年以上 HR 經驗 或 HRBP 工作經驗及人力資源專案執行經驗者佳。
  • 個性積極主動有服務熱忱,擅長團隊合作、跨部門溝通協調,能適應彈性與快節奏的工作變化。

Interview process

Feel free to let me know if you are interested it to learn more, thank you!

Email: [email protected]

Line: https://line.me/ti/p/cO2q81roBU

3 years of experience required
700,000 ~ 900,000 TWD / year
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Cake Recruitment Consulting - Executive Search, Contracting, EoR/Payroll

We offer a full range of services, including Executive Search, Contracting, and EoR/Payroll, to meet all your recruitment needs.

Our Special Advantages and Differentiation:

  • Professional Recruiter + Direct Sourcing - All consultants have industry experience. In addition to providing accurate talent search. E.g Identify relevant client’s competitors, and engage in comprehensive talent acquisition, building long-term relationships with candidates, and providing market information to clients.
  • CakeResume AI + Martech Recruitment - By leveraging digital Martech technology and employer branding, the recruitment process is optimized. Through a database of millions of potential candidates who would not normally appear, the number of candidates reached is increased and speeds up the sourcing process to fill the talent gap.

About Cake Recruitment Consulting
Cake is the Leading Asia talent platform. With over millions+ active resumes in our database and still it is increasing every day.

Currently more than 7,000+ clients are using our recruitment services.


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