服務結合簡易操作的數位工具與個人化及自動化的即時分析,串連慢性病友的關懷照護網路與血糖、飲食、藥物、運動等生活數據,協助使用者透過 App 自我管理血糖,並讓家人與醫療單位透過「雲端照護平台」更即時瞭解狀況並提供關懷,解決照護資源不足的問題。
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Cake Recruitment Consulting - Executive Search, Contracting, EoR/Payroll
We offer a full range of services, including Executive Search, Contracting, and EoR/Payroll, to meet all your recruitment needs.
Our Special Advantages and Differentiation:
About Cake Recruitment Consulting
Cake is the Leading Asia talent platform. With over millions+ active resumes in our database and still it is increasing every day.
Currently more than 7,000+ clients are using our recruitment services.