🏋🏻‍♀️世界知名健身器材領導品牌💪🏻 - 電商技術主管 (PHP) - TC

Job updated 3 days ago

Job Description

Company highlights

✨ 1975年創立,是世界上頂尖健身器材領導品牌。
✨ 全球各地設立40家行銷子公司、全球60+國家設立經銷商、六座生產基地且擁有全球自有零售通路將近500家。
✨ 超優福利:
     -  免費提供設備完善的員工專屬汽、機車停車場。
     -  人性化的e-Learing課程及完善的升遷制度
     -  免費健身中心、每年員工健檢

  • 負責電子商務網站的規劃、執行和管理,確保功能性和性能。
  • 協調各部門專案整合,確保進度和目標達成。
  • 領導技術團隊,確保協作、效能和成員發展。
  • 選擇、實施和維護技術解決方案,包括PHP開發和AWS雲端服務。
  • 監視電商運營,包括行銷、物流、金流和數據分析。
  • 確保數據的安全性和隱私保護。
  • 建立、改進並優化電子商務作業流程,提高整體效率和運營推廣。


            • 至少7年以上電子商務相關經驗,包括PHP開發和AWS雲端服務。
            • 具專案管理經驗,能夠有效地計劃、執行和監控專案。
            • 具數據分析經驗,能夠從數據中提取有價值的信息並作出決策。
            • 具備團隊管理和領導能力,能夠協調團隊工作,達成共同目標。

            Interview process



            📩 Email: [email protected]

            📩 Line: trixie.cakeresume(Link)

            7 years of experience required
            1,500,000 ~ 1,800,000 TWD / year
            Managing 10-15 staff
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            Cake Recruitment Consulting - Executive Search, Contracting, EoR/Payroll

            We offer a full range of services, including Executive Search, Contracting, and EoR/Payroll, to meet all your recruitment needs.

            Our Special Advantages and Differentiation:

            • Professional Recruiter + Direct Sourcing - All consultants have industry experience. In addition to providing accurate talent search. E.g Identify relevant client’s competitors, and engage in comprehensive talent acquisition, building long-term relationships with candidates, and providing market information to clients.
            • CakeResume AI + Martech Recruitment - By leveraging digital Martech technology and employer branding, the recruitment process is optimized. Through a database of millions of potential candidates who would not normally appear, the number of candidates reached is increased and speeds up the sourcing process to fill the talent gap.

            About Cake Recruitment Consulting
            Cake is the Leading Asia talent platform. With over millions+ active resumes in our database and still it is increasing every day.

            Currently more than 7,000+ clients are using our recruitment services.


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