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Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.

Cake Recruitment Consulting

Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
Cake Recruitment Consulting
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
Cake Recruitment Consulting

Company summary

🔥This is the Cake Recruitment Consulting official web page🔥

Cake Recruitment Consulting - Executive Search, Contracting, EoR/Payroll

We offer a full range of services, including Executive Search, Contracting, and EoR/Payroll, to meet all your recruitment needs.

Our Special Advantages and Differentiation:

  • Professional Recruiter + Direct Sourcing - All consultants have industry experience. In addition to providing accurate talent search. E.g Identify relevant client’s competitors, and engage in comprehensive talent acquisition, building long-term relationships with candidates, and providing market information to clients.
  • CakeResume AI + Martech Recruitment - By leveraging digital Martech technology and employer branding, the recruitment process is optimized. Through a database of millions of potential candidates who would not normally appear, the number of candidates reached is increased and speeds up the sourcing process to fill the talent gap.

About Cake Recruitment Consulting
Cake is the Leading Asia talent platform. With over millions+ active resumes in our database and still it is increasing every day.

Currently more than 7,000+ clients are using our recruitment services.

Products or services

For Candidate:

All positions are the most latest jobs. If you are interested it to learn more details about opportunitites. Feel free to click the JD and apply it or contact our Consultants accordingly.

We are your Career Partner💪

For Employer: 

Cake’s Recruitment Consulting Team has successfully helped Fortune 500 & startup companies recruit top talent of all kinds.

Hire Better Talent, Faster with CakeResume AI & Recruitment Professionals.

Most Professions in our Key Industries✨

  • Information Technology & MIS
  • Industries Technology Positions
  • Engineering + Manufacturing
  • Semiconductor
    • IC Design & EDA
    • Foundry
    • Assembly & Test
    • Equipment
    • Chemical and Materials
    • FMCG, Retail, E-Commerce
    • Financial Industries


      Do the right thing, Do the thing right! 


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      Sr. Consultant
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      Sr. Consultant
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      Sr. Consultant
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      Associate Consultant
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      本公司是一家專注於創新產品與服務的國際化企業,具備新創活力及穩定發展的環境。我們鼓勵多元創意,重視團隊合作,並致力於拓展品牌於國內外市場的影響力。如果你對設計充滿熱情且追求挑戰,這將是一個絕佳的職涯發展機會! 【工作內容】 負責公司品牌與產品識別設計及管理,確保各項設計符合品牌調性,涵蓋台灣與國際市場。 與跨部門團隊合作,進行社群貼文、數位廣告素材、活動頁面、banner、EDM等設計內容。...
      Taipei, Taiwan
      800K ~ 1.3M TWD / year
      3 years of experience required
      No management responsibility

      我們的客戶是一間創新支付科技公司,是數位金融領域的領導品牌。 專注於開發創新支付解決方案。目前正積極擴展團隊,延攬優秀人才。 工作內容: 1. 團隊管理與發展 帶領客服團隊達成營運目標 優化團隊工作流程 建立標準作業流程 2. 服務品質提升 制定服務標準與指標 監控服務品質 分析客戶回饋並提出改善方案 3. 系統優化 更新資料庫內容 優化自動回覆系統 提升作業效率 4. 跨部門合作 與產品團...
      Taipei City, Taiwan
      700K ~ 1.2M TWD / year
      5 years of experience required
      Managing 5-10 staff

      【Company Highlights】 隸屬於知名科技集團之子公司,專注於提供全方位健康管理服務,結合創新科技與專業醫療,打造以人為本的健康平台,涵蓋預防醫學、數位健康與智慧醫療解決方案,致力於提升全民健康品質。 【Responsibilities】 熟悉 AWS 和 GCP 的雲端服務規劃與建置。 協助實現系統架構的自動化部署。 協助監控服務、排除錯誤並優化指標。 具備網路安全及權限管理...
      Xindian District, New Taipei City, Taiwan
      500K ~ 900K TWD / year
      1 years of experience required
      No management responsibility

      【Company Highlights】 提供創新資訊技術解決方案,涵蓋雲端服務、大數據分析與人工智慧,致力於推動企業數位轉型與高效發展。 【Responsibilities】 規劃、建置與管理 Azure 解決方案架構,協助系統遷移及持續維運。 依據專案需求進行系統建置與設定,並撰寫相關 SOP 文件以規範管理流程。 監控雲端基礎設施運作,排查問題並提供技術支援。 評估並推薦適合業務需求的...
      Xizhi District, New Taipei City, Taiwan
      1M ~ 1.5M TWD / year
      4 years of experience required
      No management responsibility

      領導專責小組達成營收指標,具備營養補給產品領域的品項管理經歷。 工作內容包含: 統籌每月企劃主軸,含檔期策劃、視覺規劃及創意發想 管理品牌形象,包含各大社群平台之視覺呈現 擬定產品銷售策略,評估行銷成效並持續優化 創作各類行銷文案及廣宣內容 規劃網紅/達人合作企劃,執行對外行銷活動,並進行效益分析
      New Taipei City, Taiwan
      1M ~ 1.2M TWD / year
      8 years of experience required
      Managing 1-5 staff