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Visual Designer / 視覺設計師

Lowongan diperbarui 3 bulan yang lalu

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

" Cake designs for a better career community, connecting talent in the digital age. "

Cake values agile product development and promotion processes. We are good at testing market viability using MVP ( Minimum Viable Product ) testing, and optimizing products and business models through data analysis. Therefore, we hope that our Cakers can put forward their own ideas and provide corresponding data to support their ideas, can agilely help the company drive the testing of various products or business models, and help Cake grow together 🚀

Cake has gathered many design talents. We encourage internal inspirational exchanges and creative proposals between Cakers, and through external brand maintenance ( Social Media Markets, Official Events, B2B, B2C ) to facilitate our brand exposure.

About Visual Designer at Cake

Come and join Cake, an international team that is fun, creative, and serious about technology!

We are looking for a talented Visual designer to enhance our official and online presence with eye-catching and professional graphic designs. As a Visual Designer at Cake, you will be working with different teams to determine design requirements, submit draft concepts for approval, and develop similar design prototypes for our other branded products to maximize our brand image and impression.

As an equal opportunity company, we support and accept differences and strive to create a workplace that stimulates creativity, collaboration, and learning from all the Caker.

我們正在積極尋找 1 位富有創新點子、契合品牌美感、積極熱情的視覺設計師加入我們的行銷團隊,透過不同面向的主體視覺設計,你的豐富創意設計能力,能夠被來自世界百萬的用戶所看到。

Welcome to Join Us, and Be A Caker!


What Will You Be Working On?

  • 根據 Cake 既有品牌視覺規範,協助團隊建立並優化視覺、相關行銷素材設計
  • 透過你天馬行空的創意,打造符合 Cake 品牌風格的視覺設計。除了與行銷部門密集合作,還會與商務、獵頭、產品及營運等跨團隊團隊合作
  • 負責品牌多樣化視覺設計:
    • 線上 : 社群經營、Landing Page 視覺設計、品牌文章資源、廣告投放素材設計等
    • 線下 : 實體活動、品牌公關品之主題視覺規劃及相關印刷物設計 ( 就業博覽會、校園徵才、職涯或產業相關實體 Workshop, etc. )
    • 社群媒體貼文及影音視覺設計 ( Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc. )
    • 設計 Cake 的社群視覺圖像素材,打造靈活且吸睛的社群內容 ( 職涯相關、熱門話題及趨勢, etc. )
    • 延續創造情境多元的 Cake 品牌插畫風格吉祥物 ─ Caker(可參考
    • 釐清專案目的並解決問題,提供各團隊設計相關專業建議與指導,將設計效益最大化

    What you should have?

    • 至少具備 2 年以上視覺設計相關工作經驗
    • 熟悉 Adobe Creative Suite ( PS / AI / AE, etc. ) 或其他設計軟體
    • 能有效率地根據社群內容製作多樣化的社群視覺圖像素材
    • 有使用過 Canva 與 Figma 執行工作的經驗
    • 擁有資訊設計能力,能消化相關產業的關鍵資訊,透過一目暸然的圖文呈現準確傳達,將知識轉化為容易理解的資訊
    • 能夠獨立完成高品質設計,也能有效地與跨部門溝通
    • 對社群潮流與設計產業趨勢敏銳
    • 熱愛新創快步調環境

    Bonus / 加分條件✨

    • 有插畫或是動態影像相關經驗
    • 具有與外部廠商溝通協調的經歷(如:合作廠商、印刷廠等)
    • 參與過品牌識別重塑經驗

          Proses interview

          1. 30-minute Google Meet screening
          2. Take-home exercise & review
          3. 2-hour onsite interview ( including a group interview with the marketing team, and 1:1 interviews. )

          ( Hi Talent!應徵時請記得附上個人作品集,讓團隊能夠更快速認識你 )

          Lihat semua pekerjaan
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          Diperlukan pengalaman selama 2 tahun
          50,000 ~ 80,000 TWD / bulan
          Link Undangan Personal
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          Established in 2016 in Taiwan, Cake is an international talent community and platform providing comprehensive solutions for job seekers. By offering AI tools for resumes and portfolios, job search strategies, networking resources, and international job opportunities, Cake meets all needs in career development. With over 7 million users worldwide and collaborations with over 10,000 companies, Cake helps talent find the most suitable place at different stages of their careers.


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