Group C&B Lead 人事薪酬管理主管

Job updated over 1 year ago

Job Description


1. Lead and manage the Group C&B team to set the strategic direction for Group C&B policies and program for the organization.

2. To be the C&B expert to provide consultancy to the Senior Leadership Team and

respective country C&B programs & policies and assist to design and revise the

country C&B programs and policies.

3. To review and revise current compensation structures in the organization aligned

with the corporate culture and the corporate values. Also to assist the Country HR

to design new compensation structure for new facility and country.

4. To lead the team to design & manage compensation processes for salary &

promotion planning, annual bonus planning and develop new incentive schemes as needed.

5. To ensure the Group C&B team are managing all expat payroll, pension, tax, and

insurance related operation, layoff calculation and to deliver compensation and

benefits services accurately and timely.

6. To manage and develop a performance management system that is effective and

promotes pay for performance philosophy.

7. To lead the C&B team to conduct regular C&B benchmarking with external market

by either participating in established official surveys or informal surveys



1. At least 10 years working experience leading and managing C&B programs in countries like Taiwan, China, Vietnam and Indonesia.

2. Experience in the manufacturing industries of shoes or apparel or consumer good.

3. Business acumen

4. Good communication skills

5. English literacy

6. Knowing Vietnamese/ Bahasa Indonesia is not required but it's a plus.

10 years of experience required
1 ~ 100,000 TWD / year
Managing 1-5 staff
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集團董事長蘇清祿先生於1986年發展出八大經營理念,作為達成集團使命 - “把事情做對”的企業行動準則。這八大經營理念包括:永續經營、產品品質、環境保護、社區發展、勞安工安、人才培養、企業責任與股東服務等八大面向上的具體經營方針,如今仍為集團的最高指導原則。在當今競爭日益激烈的商業環境中,更顯現出其慧眼獨具的前瞻眼光。


Mid-Senior level
1 ~ 100K TWD / year

Mid-Senior level
1 ~ 100K TWD / month