瞬聯科技股份有限公司 cover image
Logo of 瞬聯科技股份有限公司.
Logo of 瞬聯科技股份有限公司.


Logo of 瞬聯科技股份有限公司.
Logo of 瞬聯科技股份有限公司.

Company summary

CIeNET Technologies成立於2000年, 總部位於美國芝加哥,提供汽車、智能終端、電信、嵌入式、IoT領域的技術咨詢、軟體研發和解決方案服務,全球員工超過2000人,主要客戶為財富雜誌500強跨國企業。CIeNET目前在車載娛樂系統、無線通訊系統、智能終端設備、電信系統、智能自動化測試系統、區塊鏈/分布式帳本、商業智能系統、嵌入式系統、APP應用軟體等領域內進行研發與提供解決方案。


Products or services

We understand that every client project is unique and every situation is different. Therefore, we offer a very flexible set of services to our clients depending on what their short- and long-term goals are. CIeNET recognizes that there is a common concern towards outsourcing in China, and that is Intellectual Property. We are 100% committed to protecting our client’s Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). We have implemented a stringent set of processes in order to effectively protect and ensure the safety of our client’s IPR. These processes have helped us establish a strong reputation for protecting IPR with our clients.

Today, our project teams are CMMi Level 3 and ISO 9001 certified. The importance of having a mature process in software development is critical to the success of our projects and our clients.

*Service Models

The following is a list of the different service models that we provide:

A. On-site Development

Our engineers will manage a project life cycle or seamlessly integrate into the client’s engineering teams.

B. Off-site Development

Our client projects will be managed and developed in CIeNET facilities while providing timely updates and following mature processes.

C. Offshore Development

Client offices are located abroad; therefore the majority of project development work is managed at CIeNET facilities in China under secure and dedicated development environments.

D. Build - Operate - Transfer

Many foreign companies want to penetrate the China market, but do not have the resources or the company-size to warrant all the logistical obstacles to start an entity in China . Therefore, CIeNET offers services to help companies launch China operations without all the logistical nightmares that come with opening an office in a foreign country . We have successfully implemented this strategic service for several clients who are all very pleased with the results. They are all currently developing their China presence and operations utilizing this effective strategy.

*Contract Types

We offer our clients two types of contracts, resource-based and project-based.

A. Resource-based contract

Client billing will be calculated on a per engineer basis.

B. Project-based contract

Client agrees to a contract based on the requirements of the project, not the size of the project team.

Employee benefits

1. 正職員工享有年薪的保障,即使經濟不景氣,我們認為對員工的肯定不應該被打折扣。

2. 彈性的上下班時段,只要你對自己的工作負責,我們尊重你的時間安排。

3. 正職員工每年12天特休,按比例計算,所以到職滿1個月就有1日特休,這是一報到就有!

4. 暢通的升遷制度,只要你有心有才有能力,條條康莊大道為你而開。

5. 除勞基法病假,每年5天給薪病假,偶爾生病乃人之常情,身體微恙請好好休息。

6. 無限供應咖啡、茶品、牛奶、餅乾、零食、泡麵,體重過重者請小心你的熱量攝取。

7. 加班補償:如果你不得不加班,我們謝謝你額外的付出,所以餐費、車費由我們買單。

8. 定期員工健康檢查,專人分析你的生理狀況,我們不要你寫code寫到廢寢忘食,印堂發黑。

9. 員工福利活動:唱歌、聚餐、烤肉、運動社團(攀岩、羽球、籃球、桌球、爬梯社、其他運動持續追加中...)


· Guaranteed salaries

· Multiple choices about working hours

· 12-day annual leave

· 5-day full pay sick leave

· Medical insurance

· Employee health check

· Five working days a week

· Sponsoring for technical certificate exams

· Opportunities to relocate to oversea branches

· Employee Welfare Committee activities

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HR Manager
加入我們手機專案團隊, 您將參與國際級的手機產品專案,與國內外的手機研發優秀人才共事,開發出下一代相機最佳系統,讓使用者享受前所未有的流暢體驗。 您將參與專案的手機品牌, 目前已經走入北美、印度、英國、法國、義大利、芬蘭等38個地區,累積百萬以上的使用者,並獲得《時代週刊》、《福布斯》、《華爾街日報》等國際主流媒體的高度評價。 Job responsibilities: Develop an...
1M ~ 1.8M TWD / year
No requirement for relevant working experience

加入我們手機專案團隊, 您將參與國際級的手機產品專案,與國內外的手機研發優秀人才共事,開發出下一代相機最佳系統,讓使用者享受前所未有的流暢體驗。 您將參與專案的手機品牌, 目前已經走入北美、印度、英國、法國、義大利、芬蘭等38個地區,累積百萬以上的使用者,並獲得《時代週刊》、《福布斯》、《華爾街日報》等國際主流媒體的高度評價。 Job responsibilities: 1. Feature...
1M ~ 1.8M TWD / year
No requirement for relevant working experience

加入我們手機專案團隊, 您將參與國際級的手機產品專案,與國內外的手機研發優秀人才共事,開發出下一代相機最佳系統,讓使用者享受前所未有的流暢體驗。 您將參與專案的手機品牌, 目前已經走入北美、印度、英國、法國、義大利、芬蘭等38個地區,累積百萬以上的使用者,並獲得《時代週刊》、《福布斯》、《華爾街日報》等國際主流媒體的高度評價。 Job responsibilities: 1. Feature...
1M ~ 1.8M TWD / year
No requirement for relevant working experience