1. 具備需求盤點、任務拆解、使用者研究、易用性測試、需求訪談等經驗
2. 撰寫或繪製wireframe、UI flow、需求說明文件的經驗
3. 具備問題分析和問題解決能力
4. 樂於積極溝通、分享經驗的特質
5. 具備積極、熱愛挑戰新事物的態度
6. 對於軟體產品規劃有強烈的精進渴望
7. 兩年以上的PM軟體產品開發或營運經驗
【工作職責 Job Responsibilities】
1. 與前/後端工程師、設計團隊溝通產品設計,製作產品規格文件
2. 依據產品和市場需求的目標,快速拆解盤點和取捨所需完成之任務
3. 執行軟體產品開發和專案進度管理
4. 跨團隊合作,發展產品策略和上線計畫
【加分項目 Nice to have】
1. 有倉儲或物流業的Know-How或從業經驗
2. 熟悉Miro、Figma、Sketch或Draw.io等工具
3. 熟悉Jira與Confluence
4. 熟悉UML,能產出Use Case、Activity Diagram、Sequence Diagram等
5. 證照-國際專案管理師PMP
We are a pioneering company in the third-party logistics system based in the United States. Our founders all hail from Taiwan, and we hold great aspirations to establish research and development teams as well as operational teams in Taiwan. It is our sincere desire to showcase exceptional Taiwanese products to both the United States and Europe. Moreover, given the opportunity, we also hope to expand our operations within Taiwan. We warmly welcome individuals who possess a keen interest in e-commerce and logistics to join us on this journey.