At CMoney, our mission is to assist people in their lifelong investment. To this end, we have already launched several services and apps to help users make decisions on different matters. So far CMoney has had the most popular stock mobile app and stock forum in Taiwan, where each has almost 800k monthly active users. Everyday more than 100k articles and messages emerge from our apps and forum. Meanwhile, we collaborate with 50+ investment KOLs to help users succeed in investment. Currently, CMoney is at the fast-growing stage, and thus we are looking for brilliant talents to join our team, especially the ones with integrity, high social interest and growing mindset. For more detail of CMoney, please refer to the following link: .
Our front-end team aims at bringing the users an enjoyable experience in using our applications. In order to make our applications low-latency, high-performance, reusable and reliable, we employ the latest mobile programming techniques to implement native user interfaces and cooperate with our back-end developers to integrate our back-end services smoothly. We have 10+ product teams and maintain 50+ apps whose categories range from investment, financial management, health and fitness, etc. So far, our team has had 60+ engineers who build and maintain different products to meet the ever-changing market.
As such, you will:
- Collaborate with UI and UX designers and product managers to ensure that each application is presentable and in perfect working order.
- Realize the Scrum development process to accelerate the iteration cycle.
- Last but not least make our customer success.
1. 熟悉Vue.js(2.0/3.0)及使用Nuxt.js做網頁開發
2. 基本前端技術使用:HTML/Javascript/TypeScript/CSS/Git/Webpack/gulp
3. 使用第三方套件來解決多元的產品需求(繪圖,撥放影音,金流...等)
4. 與後端人員協力解決系統的問題
5. 維運既有的網頁系統並針對需求提出具體的調整和改善計畫
6. 分析設計網頁架構提高UI質感與UX體驗
7. 撰寫API Server以提供其他網頁或是手持裝置開發
8. 熟悉 RWD 的開發以及裝置的測試和除錯
本公司(以下簡稱CMoney) 於2003年由一群對程式交易有高度熱情的技術團隊創立,有肇於多年來國內外諸多專業法人機構所採用的決策分析工具幾乎沒有突破性的進展,CMoney研發團隊於是著手打造獨步全球且採先進雲端技術的高速回測系統。目前擁有超過40名軟體研發工程師支援國內外400多家的法人投資機構,協助其更有效率地改善交易績效,深受業界歡迎及喜愛,目前市占率達8成以上,已成為金融軟體業界的領導品牌。
除法人客戶外,基於多年服務投資法人團隊的專業和經驗,CMoney約在4年前開發了理財寶這款軟體,提供大眾更簡便的軟體使用服務,協助用戶做好人生的投資理財規劃,邁向財富自由的道路。在開發理財寶同時,CMoney也網羅各界投資達人,將其投資的經驗知識轉化為軟體服務,以作為大眾的投資參考依據。目前配合的投資理財專家已超過31位,而理財寶用戶也已達102萬。此外,CMoney擁有許多人氣產品,如CWMoney記帳軟體(五百萬APP下載量)、籌碼K線 (投資理財付費APP排行榜第一名)等,使得CMoney全曜財經穩定成長,營收每年至少成長30%。)
感謝客戶的支持和肯定,CMoney已鎖定Fintech金融科技創新作為未來快速邁向的領域。近年,所有跡象皆顯示,金融創新的時間已經到來,全球政府(包含台灣)都意識到金融創新的重要性和其商機所在,故紛紛立法以放寬原有僵固的金融法規。CMoney 全曜財經累積長達15年的公司經營理念,以及金融資訊軟體的開發實戰經驗,佔據了最佳的金融創新戰略位置,如世界知名投資企業家華倫·巴菲特說:「投資自己是最聰明的選擇!」歡迎你加入CMoney這個團隊,與身旁的同事彼此切磋、學習技能,挑戰未來的資訊時代。