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Logo of Conbiz Consulting Firm康彼斯顧問股份有限公司.

Conbiz Consulting Firm康彼斯顧問股份有限公司

Logo of Conbiz Consulting Firm康彼斯顧問股份有限公司.
Conbiz Consulting Firm康彼斯顧問股份有限公司
Logo of Conbiz Consulting Firm康彼斯顧問股份有限公司.
Conbiz Consulting Firm康彼斯顧問股份有限公司

Company summary

Conbiz is a fast-growing recruiting firm specializing in RPO & Gaming industry, with a focus on placing every level talent in various positions.

For job seekers, we guide them on their career paths, leading them to their next placement that ensures success for both the talent and the company. As a result, we have secured ourselves a solid foothold in the market, having delivered human capital solutions to perfectly meet the needs of our ever-expanding client base.

Our vision at Conbiz is to bridge the gap between talent and businesses, to bring value with every placement we make, and to make a difference in the recruitment industry.

To learn more about Conbiz, contact us at: [email protected]

Products or services

🟨 大量招募

有別於一般獵頭公司高額收費 Conbiz 提供大量正職人員招募、儲備幹部計畫,以合理的價格,解決企業擴編需求。

  • 專業招募:迅速且大量招募門市人員、基層人員,協助企業改善員工的招募流程。
  • 儲備幹部:為企業量身打造校園徵才活動,包辦流程設計、場底規劃、活動人員招募等。
  • 專業招募:精準且有效的招募專業人才(工程師/行銷/業務/財務/),協助企業改善員工的招募流程。

🟨長期派遣 (Recruitment Process Outsourcing , RPO)

Conbiz 提供派遣員工招募及薪酬計算服務,協助企業簡化人員派遣的繁瑣作業流程。

  • 薪酬計算 (Payroll Parking):
  • 長期派遣人員招募


為協助企業解決季節性或臨時性的人力需求 Conbiz 提供短期派遣人員 協助排班、控制出勤、全權處理加退保業務, 使企業能靈活運用人力,合法有保障!

臨時或檔期派遣 | 短期約聘

    1. 為企業提供一日到數日不等的短期工讀生,時間及人數能達到單日數百人的程度。如:百貨週年慶、新產品發表會、服裝品牌感謝祭、量販業中秋檔期。
    2. 補足企業短期的人手需求,避免因為員工產假、因傷休假期間,無短期人手支援。


    🟨 專業獵才顧問團隊 & 招募流程外包服務
    Conbiz 由10年以上獵才經驗的專業顧問設計、架構,並由專業的人資顧問團隊提供企業更完善的人力資源服務。

    🟨 核心價值
    💓 熱情:秉持著對人資產業的熱忱,以服務為樂,以工作為榮。
    💼 專業:我們充分了解企業及人才的需求,為雙方量身打造最專業、準確、有效的人才解決方案。
    🧑‍💻 誠信:我們在與企業及人才合作的過程中,堅守透明及負責的原則,實現經營企業的絕對誠信。

    🟨 服務範疇
    💄 FMCG、F&B
    🖥️ Tech產業
    🌍 互聯網產業
    🛍️ 精品業

    🟨 Professional Human Resources Consultant Team & Recruitment Process Outsourcing Services
    Designed and structured by professional consultants with more than 10 years of talent hunting experience, and provided by a professional human resources consultant team to provide more complete human resource services for the enterprise.

    🟨 Core Values
    Conbiz is here to help you find success. Our people enjoy doing what they do best, linking individuals to businesses around the world that need them.
    💼 Professional
    We understand what businesses need and what talented individuals want, thus are capable of delivering precise, effective, and customized solutions that are fit for both.
    🧑‍💻 Probity
    Transparency and accountability are the principles that we abide by while working with businesses and individuals alike.

    🟨 Services
    💄 FMCG、F&B
    🖥️ Internet & Tech
    🌍 互聯網產業
    🛍️ Retail/ Fashion & Luxury

    Media coverage

    JH集團成立於2010年,招聘網絡遍佈台灣、中國、韓國、日本等地,根據各項產業建立三大領域招募團隊,提供專業人才獵聘及專業人才派遣等服務。 ConBiz,以Contractor Business為名,將主力放在為企業解決大量招募、臨時人才派遣和專業人才派遣上,在招募上最迅速、最精準。並且提供企業多元且完整的人力資源服務,協助企業經營擴展。與此同時,ConBiz也為求職者創造一個多領域跨度、多地區跨度、多時間跨度的求職空間,求職者可以在與顧問的溝通過程中協調工作地點、工作時間、不同產業與不同專業,提供求職者一個公平且資訊透明的溝通平台。 新的公司介紹影片上線了! 如果你還想多了解JH集團,請點選以下連結



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