1. 具3年以上程式開發經驗(JAVA)
2. 無金融背景可,但對金融產品有興趣
3. 自我學習能加強,喜歡研究新技術
4. 具團隊合作意識,能與成員協力合作,有Scrum經驗佳
5. 樂觀進取、積極主動;敢於創新、挑戰不同
6. 熟悉CI/CD自動化佈署工具(Team Foundation Server/Jenkins)為加分
7. 有個人side project經驗為加分
ConBiz is a a human resources consulting company specializing in recruitment, HR management and outsourcing services, offering one-stop solutions for corporate clients and candidates.
Our mission is to engage with people passionately, embrace innovation proactively and enrich opportunities by working collaboratively. We believe it is the best way to help businesses expand and support job seekers in building their careers to achieve mutual growth.
康彼斯提供最佳的全面性人力資源解決方案,涵蓋招募(Recruitment)、派遣(Staffing)、名義雇主(Employment of Record)、薪酬外包(Payroll Outsourcing)、招聘外包(Recruitment Process Outsourcing)等,幫助企業靈活應對各種人力需求以及協助求職者找到最理想的工作。