【Based in Japan】カスタマーサクセスマネージャー Customer Success Manager


Job Description

What You'll Do

Crescendo Lab is a start-up company that develops and provides MarTech tools to help branded companies with their 1to1 marketing, and has also been named Gold Technology Partner in Taiwan for two consecutive years. It now has more than 500 clients, including major companies in three countries. Our main products, MAAC and CAAC, have AI and automation as our strengths and help brand companies realize more effective consumer communication from the three aspects of marketing, customer service and sales through LINE Official Account and other Social Medias.

Due to business expansion in the Japanese market, we are looking for a Customer Success Manager (CSM) to form the core of the business. We welcome candidates with an interest in a global environment and a high level of motivation for CSM work.

CSM takes ownership for close long-term customer relationships. To meet customer needs, the CSM is required to collaborate with various teams, including the head office in Taiwan, to deepen their knowledge in their area of expertise and to perform operations with a high accuracy.

Crescendo Lab Japan Website:https://www.jp.cresclab.com/


クレッシェンドラボは、台湾で2年連続Gold Technology Partnerにも選出された、ブランド企業の1to1マーケティングを支援するMarTech(マーテック)ツールの開発・提供に取り組むスタートアップ企業です。今では、3カ国で大手企業を含む500社以上のクライアントがいます。主力製品である「MAAC」「CAAC」は、AIや自動化を強みとし、LINE公式アカウントや他のSNSを通じてブランド企業がマーケティング(販促)、カスタマーサービス、セールスの3つの側面からより効果的な消費者コミュニケーションを実現することに貢献しています。



Customer Success Manager is the owner of high customer satisfaction, and considers and carries out all measures to achieve this.

  • Conducting kick-off meetings to help customers get used to using the product more quickly
  • Providing prompt assistance with any problems or questions during the use of the product
  • Become an expert in your area of expertise and build trust through a high level of professionalism
  • Take responsibility for upselling during the contract period and renewal of the contract, ensuring profitability
  • Provide customer feedbacks with the product team and help develop products with high customer satisfaction
  • Contribute to the development of manuals and structures to increase customer satisfaction as a whole team



  • 顧客がより早く製品の使用に慣れるためのキックオフミーティングの実施
  • 製品の使用中に問題や質問がある場合の迅速なサポート
  • 専門領域のエキスパートとなり、高い専門性によって信頼関係を形成
  • 契約期間中のアップセル、契約更新時のリニューアルの責任を持ち、収益を確保
  • 顧客の声を製品チームにフィードバックし、顧客満足度の高い製品開発へ協力
  • チーム全体として顧客満足度を高めるためのマニュアルや体制作りへの貢献


Required Qualifications

  • At least 1.5 years' experience in customer negotiation/support work (e.g. sales or CSM work) in the B2B domain
  • Highly interested in LINE, 1to1 marketing and data use and willing to learn
  • Self-motivated, responsible and a team player
  • Native Japanese speaker
  • Business level competence in English or Chinese


  • B2B領域で顧客折衝業務(セールスやCSM業務など)の1.5年以上の経験
  • LINE、1to1マーケティング、データ活用に高い関心があり、学習意欲の高い方
  • 自発的で責任感があり、チームプレイができる方
  • 日本語がネイティブであること
  • 英語または中国語がビジネスレベル以上であること

Preferred Qualification

  • More years of experience in customer negotiation/support in the B2B domain.


  • B2B領域で顧客折衝業務の経験年数がより長い方

What we can offer

  • Salary: negotiable
  • Basic welfare benefits (e.g. regular health checkup)
  • Incentive payments five(5) times a year


  • 給与:交渉可
  • 基本的な福利厚生(定期健康診断など)
  • 年5回のインセンティブ支給

Interview process

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2 years of experience required
5,500,000 ~ 7,000,000 JPY / year
Optional Remote Work
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Logo of 漸強實驗室 Crescendo Lab Ltd..

About us

漸強實驗室成立於 2017 年,致力於開發與應用 MarTech 行銷科技,相信科技與數據能放大對話價值,幫助企業與品牌數位轉型與精準行銷,創造美好顧客體驗。漸強投資於科技與數據,相信科技與數據能提升廣告和訊息推播的效率,也相信以 Data 為中心的 Martech (Marketing Technology) 是最近十年來最蓬勃的數位廣告科技趨勢。

我們結合 AI 與行銷自動化等應用,開發兩大產品:

  • 全方位行銷平台 MAAC(Messaging Analytics Automation Cloud)
  • 對話式互動平台 CAAC(Conversation Analytics Automation Cloud)

漸強深耕 LINE 官方帳號,獲 LINE 官方帳號金級技術夥伴認證,並擴及 SMS 簡訊等多渠道,提供行銷、客服、銷售三大面向解決方案。
我們也跨足台灣、日本、泰國市場,旗下客戶橫跨電商、零售、媒體、汽車、醫藥、餐飲、金融、政府等多元產業,至今服務超過 600 間品牌,包括 IKEA、樂天市場、PChome、星巴克、H&M、GAP 等。

Crescendo Lab was established in 2017 with a commitment to developing and applying MarTech marketing technology. We believe in amplifying the value of conversations through the use of technology and data, helping businesses and brands undergo digital transformation and precision marketing to create exceptional customer experiences.

Crescendo Lab Ltd. is a technology and data-driven company dedicated to enhancing the efficiency of advertising and message dissemination. We believe that data-driven marketing technology(MarTech) is the most vibrant digital advertising technology trend in the last decade.

We integrate AI and marketing automation to create two flagship products:

Messaging Analytics Automation Cloud (MAAC) - a comprehensive marketing platform.
Conversation Analytics Automation Cloud (CAAC)
- an interactive platform for dialogues.

Crescendo Lab specializes in LINE Official Accounts, holding the Gold-level certification as LINE's tech and solution partner. Our reach extends to multiple channels, including SMS, offering solutions in marketing, customer service, and sales. We have a presence in diverse markets such as Taiwan, Japan, and Thailand, serving over 600 brands across various industries, including e-commerce, retail, media, automotive, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, finance, and government. Our clientele includes renowned brands such as IKEA, Rakuten, PChome, Starbucks, H&M, and GAP.


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Backend Team Lead
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Customer Success Manager
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Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist


Mid-Senior level
1.2M ~ 2M TWD / year

Entry level
900K ~ 1.3M TWD / year

Mid-Senior level
600K ~ 920K TWD / year