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Logo of CTBC Holding 中國信託金控.
Logo of CTBC Holding 中國信託金控.

CTBC Holding 中國信託金控

Logo of CTBC Holding 中國信託金控.
CTBC Holding 中國信託金控
Logo of CTBC Holding 中國信託金控.
CTBC Holding 中國信託金控
À propos de

Description de l'Entreprise

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Established in 1966, CTBC Bank Co., Ltd. started business as China Securities Investment Corp. and soon grew into China Investment and Trust Co., Ltd. In 1992, it was restructured into a commercial bank with a business scope that has now grown to include deposits, loans, guarantees, forex services, offshore banking, trusts, credit cards, securities, bonds, derivatives, and online banking. Since May 17, 2002, it has been a subsidiary of CTBC Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

During the past five decades, we have been guided by our business principles of integrity and caring, and have introduced many innovative services along the way. We were the first bank in Taiwan to issue credit cards, to set up a customer service center, and to provide foreign currency-compatible ATMs in the country’s ubiquitous convenience stores.

This commitment to excellence and innovation has earned us the trust and business of individuals and companies nationwide, and we lead Taiwan’s financial industry as a result. As of 2018, our consolidated assets totaled NT$3.96 trillion, the most of any privately owned bank in Taiwan.

In addition to its 152 domestic branches, CTBC Bank has the most extensive international network of any Taiwanese financial institution, with 114 overseas outlets located in the U.S., Canada, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, the Philippines, and Australia.

As we move forward and grow larger, “We are family” will remain our brand spirit. It informs our values of integrity, innovation, professionalism, teamwork, and caring as well as our mission to protect and build our customers’ wealth. You can see these values in action every day as we strive to strengthen our corporate governance, fulfill our corporate social responsibility, and create value for our customers, employees, shareholders, and community.

Our bank’s aim is to cement its status as “Taiwan Champion, Asia Leader” by having the most effective corporate governance and being the most trusted financial institution among clients and investors alike.

#wearefamily #chancetobechampion #catchthebestchoice

Produits ou Services

Institutional Banking
• Commercial Banking:
Providing customers with comprehensive, specialized, and cross-border financial services, including loans, trade financing, cash management, corporate trust, proxy services, and offshore private banking services, such as investment and financial planning.
• Capital Markets:
Providing tailored solutions to meet clients’ financial needs. These services include syndicated lending, structured finance, and financial advisory services. Offering a wide range of foreign exchange and derivative products to meet clients’ hedging and financing needs as well as specializing in structured product design and proprietary trading.

Retail Banking
• Wealth Management:
Providing target customer groups with financial planning, asset allocation planning and advisory services, as well as acquisition of a variety of financial products.
• Secured Lending:
Providing individuals with a variety of residential mortgage services (including home mortgages, refinancing, installment loans, policy-based loans, and financial planning mortgages) and offering repurchase agreements to targeted corporate customers.

Payment Services
• Credit Card and Payment Services:
Providing issuing and acquiring services for credit cards, stored value cards, and debit cards.
Developing platforms for digital wallets, third-party payments, bill payments, and cross-border transactions
• Unsecured Lending:
Extending various unsecured personal loans (including unsecured term loans and revolving loans).



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【計畫特色】 中信金控儲備幹部計畫,是台灣金融界專業經理人的培育搖籃!有最具口碑的MA養成制度、職涯發展快速、多元輪調機制、紮實培訓系統、最能讓人才綻放光芒的國際舞台 【資格條件】 語言要求:英文(等同TOEIC 800分(含)以上),歡迎通曉日、菲、印、泰、越等語言 人格特質:邏輯思考、積極熱忱、奮鬥抗壓、團隊合作、有效溝通 【更多計畫介紹】 職涯快速發展 MA通過第一年培訓即晉升襄理,第...
Taipei City, Taiwan
70K TWD / mois
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility

1.新興企業徵信報告撰寫 2.實地訪廠及風險揭露 3.主管交辦事項
Nangang District, Taipei City, Taiwan
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility

1.負責銀行數位平台或電子商務相關系統。 2.配合業務需求進行專案規劃管理、需求訪談、系統分析與設計、平台開發建置等工作。 3.協助新業務或系統操作教育訓練及上線後之支援。
Taipei, Taiwan
700K ~ 2.5M TWD / année
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility

1.負責IBM主機,COBOL,CICS,JCL,VSAM 2.負責銀行核心系統/信用卡系統開發與維護 3.應用系統軟體之測試與修改 4.規劃、執行與維護量產軟體
Taipei, Taiwan
700K ~ 2.5M TWD / année
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility

1.協助數據行銷平台建置與持續行銷流程優化。 2.規劃與執行數據視覺化加值應用專案。 3.規劃以數據驅動為主之商業管理方案。
Taipei, Taiwan
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility