1. Prepare, review, and produce technical documentation targeting a diverse audience with varying technical knowledge and know-how of our products.
2. Fully understand our products, solutions, and concepts and then translate the technical information into easily understandable content.
3. Work with PMs, developers, and technical support to produce content ranging from UI elements, operation steps, user manuals, training material, or other types of documentation that will instruct, educate, and guide our customers.
4. Work with the marketing team to produce cybersecurity content to educate website visitors.
5. Manage documentation projects that incorporate the software function changes when a new version is released. This requires thorough planning and constant coordination with stakeholders and subject matter experts.
6. Proficiently identify and gather the required information and provide value-added content based on this information, ex: Release notes or user guides.
7. Understand product function design concepts quickly and explain them in an easy-to-understand manner.
8. Work well within a diverse team, follow our writing style, and address the needs of our users.
9. All documents are written in American English at a native or native-like level.
奧義智慧 (CyCraft) 是世界領先的 AI 資安科技公司,企業總部設立於臺灣,並在日本、新加坡設有海外子公司。奧義智慧以創新 AI 技術自動化資安防護,內建端點 EDR、情資 CTI、網路 TIG 並整合建構新一代 AI 資安戰情中心,獲得逾五十個政府機關、警政、國防單位,以及三成金融機構、數十家高科技與關鍵領域龍頭企業的信賴,市佔率國內第一。
2021 年奧義智慧為權威機構 Gartner 所發表的《大中華區 AI 新創公司指南》中,唯一入選代表性企業的資安科技公司,此外,亦獲 IDC Perspective 收錄在其《Intelligence-led Cybersecurity》AI 驅動資安特別案例研究報告中。從端點到網路、從調查到阻擋、從自建到託管,CyCraft AIR 涵蓋企業安全所需的一切面向,遵循 F/A/S/T 量化指標,提供客戶主動防禦,達到「威脅,視可而止」。
【全球據點】台北總部 (板橋遠東通信園區)、日本東京、新加坡
【國際通路】日本、新加坡、泰國、馬來西亞 、菲律賓、印尼、越南等
●美國 MITRE ATT&CK 2019 評測最佳偵測告警能力
●日本 Interop Tokyo 2020 評鑑資安類最大賞
●科技部 2019 年臺灣 10 家最酷科技新創
●國際 ISO27001:2013 資安標準認證
●國際 FIRST 資安組織認證企業會員
●國際 Cybersecurity Excellence Awards 2020 資安卓越獎共 28 個獎項