Dcard is the biggest anonymous community in Taiwan. With millions of active users and 22 million unique visitors per month, Dcard provides a free and secure environment for our users to share their thoughts, stories, and life experience and make the world a better place through the exchange of ideas.
As we are currently expanding our business in international markets, we are looking for a Content Marketing Intern who is passionate and talented to join us, and build the next big thing for the generation together. As a Content Marketing Intern, you will be a member of our New Market Team and drive our business forward, as you'll help us to catch the eyes of our target audience with appealing digital content and reinforce the user discussion in our community. Let’s build a community to help university students in Malaysia expand their social circle!
There are thousands of people who share and read stories from different members on Dcard every day, so the ideas you develop and implement will immediately reach a great number of users. You will collaborate with several functional teams such as Advertising, Product, Design, and Operations to identify opportunities, create strategies and execute global expansion plans. As a member of the New Market Team, you will focus on a variety of areas and aspects related to the emerging markets to provide users with the best user experience.
Dcard 結合科技與人文搭起一座橋樑,豐富每個人的生活、讓每個人找到共鳴。面對快速變化的網路生態,Dcard 聚焦長期使命願景、年度戰略,夥伴們專注在公司戰略與目標,用成長型思維打造一個快速成長也充滿溫度的企業文化。
Dcard 致力於打造讓人放心分享自己故事的場域,讓平凡人分享不平凡故事的新世代服務。Dcard 是全台最大的匿名社群,在年輕族群有極高滲透率與影響力。不止步於台灣社群取得極大影響力,我們正全力擴張版圖,強力發展廣告、IP 新型業務及跨國市場,持續往世界級網路公司的目標努力。
我們的服務範圍擴及台灣 (Dcard)、香港 (Dcard.HK)及日本 (Dtto),持續擴大海外市場影響力。我們希望能邀請優秀的你加入團隊,把你的名字列在我們下一個里程碑的故事裡!
六個你會愛上 Dcard 的理由:
我們相信夥伴多方交流及討論可以創造出更多不一樣的火花跟可能性。在 Dcard 我們傾聽也重視每個夥伴的想法,每天專案小組進度會議、每週產品會議、每月 All Hands Meeting 中,夥伴們彼此對齊進度,主動提出想法,做更完善的決策與行動。透過夥伴的溝通合作,互相激盪火花,幫助團隊打造更棒的產品!
我們相信跟一群優秀的夥伴共事,絕對是最棒的福利! 為了在快速變動、充滿挑戰的環境中取得影響力,我們需要勇於面對未知的挑戰。Dcard 重視夥伴的成長,我們提供各類書籍、講座、國內外研討會及專屬語言進修課程等資源,成為夥伴學習路上最大的後盾!
不止步於在台灣社群取得極大影響力,Dcard 正全力擴張版圖,發展廣告、IP 新型業務及跨國市場產品,持續往世界級網路公司的目標努力。在這裡,你將能親身參與各類新想法、新產品甚至是新市場的誕生!
在這個變化快速的場域,夥伴有多方嘗試的機會,可以參與各類新想法、新產品甚至是新市場的誕生! 只要你有能力和意願,站出來,你就可以親自做出改變。
混合工作的模式(Hybrid Work),Dcard 夥伴能彈性安排工作時間與空間。具有彈性的遠距工作日(Remote Day),在辦公室也可以選擇在任何小角落工作。讓你自在挑選想要工作的時間和地方!