美商方策顧問有限公司台灣分公司 cover image
Logo of 美商方策顧問有限公司台灣分公司.
Logo of 美商方策顧問有限公司台灣分公司.


Logo of 美商方策顧問有限公司台灣分公司.
Logo of 美商方策顧問有限公司台灣分公司.
The employer was active más de 1 año ago
DDG is seeking an experienced brand strategist to join our Strategy Team. The role comprises leading DDG clients in the shaping of their brand and business strategies, growing our strategy offering...
DDG is seeking an experienced brand strategist to join our Strategy Team. The role comprises leading DDG clients in the shaping of their brand and business strategies, growing our strategy offering...
65K ~ 80K TWD / mes
10 years of experience required
Gestión de personal: sin especificar
DDG is seeking an experienced Account Manager to join our growing team. The role comprises filtering inquiries, shaping branding programs, managing projects and client relationships, and collaborat...
DDG is seeking an experienced Account Manager to join our growing team. The role comprises filtering inquiries, shaping branding programs, managing projects and client relationships, and collaborat...
55K ~ 60K TWD / mes
3 years of experience required
Gestión de personal: sin especificar