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Senior Full-Stack Engineer/Tech Lead

Công việc được cập nhật khoảng 1 năm

Mô tả công việc


  1. Build/Lead/Develop DeepWave’s new products and features from scratch. Keep it on-time/secure/well-tested.
  2. Organize and implement front-end/back-end technical structure with members.
  3. Collaborate with DeepWave’s AI teams and integrate AI features into full-stack.
  4. Fully understanding of DeepWave’s solution in full-stack. Solve issues at high-level and make sure the whole developing process.

Professional Skills:

  1. 3+ years relevant front-end experience, e.g. React, JS, CSS, HTML5, …
  2. 3+ years relevant back-end experience e.g. Python, Nginx, RESTFul APIs, …
  3. Familiar with Linux
  4. Familiar with Git
  5. Experience leading a project/product from scratch to production.
  6. Self-motivated, self-managed, and passionate about what we do.
  7. Strong technical communication skills.
  8. Team-work spirit

Nice to have:

Experience on DevOps

Experience working with AI team/products

Experience working with a remote team

Experience in a startup environment

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70,000 ~ 150,000 TWD / tháng
Managing 1-5 staff
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Logo of DeepWave 迪威智能股份有限公司.

Về chúng tôi

我們是DeepWave 迪威智能,一家於2019年成立的專注於AI 聲音技術的公司。我們的核心業務是讓AI能夠像人類一樣準確地理解聲音。在聲音處理的各個方面,包括檢測、分離、轉錄和轉換,我們都有卓越的表現,致力於將聲音轉化為有用的數據和互動體驗。




  • 與一群各懷長才的夥伴合作,共同實現產品與專案
  • 了解音樂AI的工作原理、訓練過程、與如何上線運作
  • 大聲的發表您的優良建議,與公司一同成長、進步,將您的文化融合進公司的文化
  • 最後,也是最重要的 – 一起見證迪威發光發熱的過程


  • Flexibility (彈性): 我們在尋找永不畫地自限的人才和我們為客戶打造最佳的AI解決方案。
  • Agile (敏捷): 我們以使用者需求、體驗擺在第一位,不斷地快速精進與修正,為了讓使用者因為我們的服務而更好。
  • Creativity (創新、創意): 我們希望找到不斷挑戰既有思維與框架的隊友,和我們一起驅動改變。
  • Transparent (透明直白): 團隊內的資訊透明則是打造堅強團隊的第一步,我們希望直截了當、有話直說的人一起和我們打拼。


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Tech Lead
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Senior Front-End Developer
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Product Lead