Digital Forest Technologies is a world-class technical services provider, dedicated to serving the Asian Pacific region. We are always looking for fun-loving people to work with, those with a talent and passion for information technology. We strive to harness the latest technologies and creative ideas which challenge our teams daily to grow their skillset, driving forward the company’s service offerings. Our mission is to always provide the best innovative, reliable, and efficient technical services to our customers while supporting an immersive online experience.
Core Value (核心價值) :
1. Proactive (主動積極 ) : We take the initiative to make things happen
2. Integrity (誠信) : We always do the right thing, not the easy thing.
3. Innovation (創新) : Good is never enough. We always seek newer and better ways
4. Enthusiasm (熱忱 ) : We tackle all challenges without hesitation, and always maintain a positive outlook.
5. Multi Culture Collaboration (文化融合) : We ensure a harmonious working relationship, working together as one global team to achieve a common goal regardless of race, gender, or nationality.
IT Services Provider
Digital Forest Technologies is a world-class technical services provider, dedicated to serving the Asian Pacific region. We are always looking for fun-loving people to work with, those with a talent and passion for information technology. We strive to harness the latest technologies and creative ideas which challenge our teams daily to grow their skillset, driving forward the company’s service offerings. Our mission is to always provide the best innovative, reliable, and efficient technical services to our customers while supporting an immersive online experience.