US Customer Success Specialist / 美國市場客戶成功專員

Job updated alrededor de 1 año ago

Descripción del trabajo

You will be the voice of the Elos brand to communicate with customers in the US market through online channels and offline events. We are a very customer-focused team so while you are taking care of the customers, you will also be in charge of US market research, buyer insights, community building, and user experience building.

Elos is a small team with a vision that can last long. Prepare yourself for this challenge position. If you have the ambition to work in a global market, this is your opportunity.


Bi-culturally minded between Taiwan and the US.
Has customer relationship building related job experience
2 years and more sales experience
Fluent in English
100% agree with Elos core spirit and can be Elos ambassador

Work in a startup team before
From California (Just saying)
One of our Elos users

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Sobre nosotros

"用起來很輕鬆的設計,設計起來一點都不輕鬆。"  - by Elos 產品長 Tom

如果你認同這個理念,了解成功是經驗累積下來的成果,團隊執行方向是由市場數據來決定,設計不是單純改個款式而已,以及十分習慣動手實作,再加上有一點點重度強迫症... Elos 可能會是一個你會喜歡待的地方。

Elos 第一個產品是輕巧好用的代步滑板。最初於2016年在美國Kickstarter平台募資成功後,在加州成立總公司。2017年,透過台灣募資的支持,我們為了縮短用心的服務的距離,在台灣設立亞洲總部。2019年更是進軍日本,產品廣受日本市場好評。過去幾年,Elos因為輕巧好攜帶、簡單好上手的特性已經成為上萬人的每天必備移動工具代名詞。在2023年,Elos 將從 Effortless Lifestyle of Skateboarding 的精神轉化為 Effortless Lifestyle of Smarties。團隊將會在Outdoor, Sports, EDC 有關的領域推出一連串輕薄短小、但有影響力的設計來勾勒出Elos Lifestyle。身為行動者的你,想加入Elos 的國際舞台,一起創造價值嗎?

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A tiempo completo
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A tiempo completo
Nivel de entrada
35K ~ 40K TWD / mes