軟體專案經理 (Software Project Manager)

Job updated 4 months ago

Job Description


◆ 共同目標:我們的團隊皆致力於普及加密貨幣及區塊鏈技術,共同推動領域發展。
◆ 創新與挑戰:我們注重工作態度和效率,鼓勵大家提供想法和解決方案。
◆ 扁平化管理:我們重視大家的意見和建議,每位成員都有參與公司相關決策的權利。

▲ 主要任務
1. 釐清並傳達產品發展策略及具體目標。
2. 根據專案目標規劃執行優先順序、資源安排。
3. 與開發團隊及利害關係人跨單位協作開發,確保符合目標共識。
4. 掌控產品上線及迭代發布時程,並持續優化產品開發流程及效能。
5. 其他產品開發相關任務。

▲ 具備條件
1. 軟體產業產品/專案經理工作經驗2年以上。
2. 具備同時管理10人以上開發團隊。
3. 熟悉軟體開發工具,如Jira/ClickUp/Notion等。
4. 熟悉敏捷式開發流程,如Scrum。

1. 你將接觸Blockchain及AI等相關最新產品、技術,站在科技產業前緣!
2. 你將會同時有開發全新產品及產品迭代的機會,累績多元專案管理經驗!
3. 你將擁有完整的開發團隊及開發流程,讓你充分發揮管理效能!


1. 具備軟體工程技術、數據分析背景。
2. 對金融科技/區塊鏈/加密貨幣產業有相當興趣。
3. 我們期待您是一位有想法、熱愛學習、能激發團隊前進的人。

1. 主人翁精神: 希望你能主動關心團隊的大小事,確保大家一起順利達到目的地!
2. 條理分明:希望你的思維清晰,對任務有良好的組織能力與架構!
3. 靈活彈性:希望你能迅速適應不同的環境和情境,並靈活的應對新的變化及挑戰!

1. 時間管理:希望你能根據優先順序和目標,合理分配時間和資源。
2. 溝通表達:希望你能夠快速、精準地傳遞訊息並與他人達成共識!
3. 衝突解決:希望你能冷靜且理性的處理衝突,以良好的溝通技巧處理不同意見和利益衝突。

Interview process

1. 履歷篩選
2. 電話訪談
3. 用人單位面談
4. 職能面談
5. 同儕面談

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2 years of experience required
800,000 ~ 1,200,000 TWD / year
Managing staff numbers: not specified
Optional Remote Work
Personal Invitation Link
This is your personal referral link for job invitation. You'll receive an email notification when someone applied for the position via your job link.
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About us





【About BITGIN】
BITGIN is a technology startup company established in September 2020. In 2021, we became the first cryptocurrency exchange in Taiwan to complete the certification and audit by the Financial Supervisory Commission and certified accountants. Our main focus is on building a blockchain ecosystem and aiming to become the gateway for Taiwanese users to enter the world of cryptocurrencies, providing the most essential cryptocurrency services in the simplest way.

【Our Goals】
Since 2017, the blockchain market has been filled with various negative news, casting a shadow over the industry. However, we remain committed to our mission of establishing a better ecosystem and providing users with better security and confidence. Through high-standard KYC compliance, regulatory measures, educational initiatives, and well-designed tools, we strive to offer users a safe and reliable environment, allowing them to regain trust in blockchain technology.

【Our Future Blueprint】
We continuously expand our 2B business collaborations and 2C diversified services, with plans to launch international projects in 2023. We sincerely welcome partners who share our vision and passion for blockchain to join our team, as we explore uncharted territories and unleash unlimited potential together. Join us in changing the world and creating a brighter future for the widespread adoption of cryptocurrencies.