Fourth Valley Concierge Corporation cover image
Logo of Fourth Valley Concierge Corporation.
Logo of Fourth Valley Concierge Corporation.

Fourth Valley Concierge Corporation

Logo of Fourth Valley Concierge Corporation.
Fourth Valley Concierge Corporation
Logo of Fourth Valley Concierge Corporation.
Fourth Valley Concierge Corporation

Company summary

What we do

  1. Global recruitment support and education “Connect Job, Connect Job Class”
  2. SaaS type direct recruiting service "Connect Job WORKERS"
  3. Research on worldwide immigration and policy proposal / public projects "Next Generation Foreign Talent Research Institute"
  4. Sales and management of programming test for IT engineers "Codility"
  5. Other related businesses using our HR database (Global marketing, research, study abroad business, etc.)

Products or services

What we do

  1. Global recruitment support and education “Connect Job, Connect Job Class”
  2. SaaS type direct recruiting service "Connect Job WORKERS"
  3. Research on worldwide immigration and policy proposal / public projects "Next Generation Foreign Talent Research Institute"
  4. Sales and management of programming test for IT engineers "Codility"
  5. Other related businesses using our HR database (Global marketing, research, study abroad business, etc.)
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*This job is posted by Fourth Valley Concierge on behalf of the company opening the position below. teamLab is working on digital solutions utilizing the latest technology, large-scale system devel...
4.2M ~ 6M JPY / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility