You will collaborate closely with our outstanding product managers, product designers, and engineering teams. Join our market development team for dining and recreational activities, and brainstorm with our marketing team on features and events to attract consumers. As a software development engineer at FunNow, it's not just about writing solid code; we also need your creativity to help us build the world's premier instant booking platform for urban entertainment.
※請至 填寫應徵資訊,僅處理經由表單投遞之履歷。※
- Co-work with developers and product designers to deliver each release on time.
- Design, develop and execute test plans and test cases through TestRail to enhance the quality of our products.
- Design and develop test automation scripts to broaden the test scope.
- Track and manage issue status via Jira.
- Constantly look to improve the development process across the development cycles.
- At least 3 years of experience in mobile, web, and RESTful API testing.
- Ability to assist developers in digging out the root cause of a defect and measure its impact on each release.
- Familiar with API documentation tools, such as Postman, Swagger, Restlet Client, etc.
- Familiar with database and SQL command.
- Experience with Python and a Python-based test automation framework, such as Pytest, Nose2, etc, is a plus.
- Experience with setting up and maintaining CI systems is a plus.
想加入一個每次佳節或精選專案都一定被 App Store 與 Google Play 推薦的 APP 公司嗎?想一起開發一個跨足大東南亞的都會玩樂平台嗎?想利用龐大的消費數據,建構一個時尚生活的大平台嗎?FunNow 不僅已被台灣看見,更已經走出台灣,被各大創投與日本上市公司評為台灣最有能力國際化的生活服務類 APP。邀請你來跟我們一起發光發熱,讓台灣的軟實力被世界看見。
透過 FunNow App,讓消費者能隨時隨地查詢、預訂與享受周遭的休閒娛樂。讓都會玩樂是簡單且隨興的,讓生活是豐富與充滿變化的。實現 FunNow 生活不只是生活的創業願景。 如果你跟我們一樣是個愛玩且瘋狂有想法的人,快把履歷給我們,歡迎與我們一起創造奇蹟,期待你的加入!
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