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Logo of Giloo.
Logo of Giloo.
Logo of Giloo.


Giloo is a pioneering streaming company that has made a significant impact in the entertainment industry. As a trusted streaming brand, we have built a strong presence by curating and showcasing independent films, animations, and documentaries. Our platform has become synonymous with high-quality content and has successfully established itself as the go-to streaming destination for the creative class cohort.

Driven by our vision for growth and innovation, we are expanding our services globally and undergoing a transformative journey. We are evolving from a traditional streaming platform to a filmmaker and community-driven ecosystem. Our focus is to provide not only a streaming platform but also a collaborative space where filmmakers can connect with their audience, build their fan base, and monetize their creative works.

At Giloo, we are passionate about empowering filmmakers and fostering a supportive community. By embracing Web3 technologies and blockchain principles, we aim to revolutionize the entertainment industry and create a decentralized platform that enables creators to have more control over their content and revenue streams. We believe in democratizing access to high-quality, independent content and providing a unique, interactive experience for our global user base.

As we embark on this exciting transformation, we invite individuals who are eager to be part of a dynamic and innovative company at the forefront of industry disruption. Join us as we redefine the future of streaming and empower filmmakers to reach new heights of success.

Giloo 立志為下一個世代的創作者與觀眾打造未來的影音世界。

我們相信電影與影像說故事的力量,如何從生產、觀看、流通與傳播等各個面向加大力道,是 Giloo 所有企劃與產品的核心提問。在產品上,我們正在設計製作諸多有意思的功能,希望能讓觀看這樣的媒體內容更有意義也更有趣。在很短的時間內,Giloo 營運訂閱制的 Web+App 觀影服務已經獲得很大的關注(多次獲選 Apple App of the Day 及 App Store feature!)而我們還有非常多很有意思的新想法需要完成!

奠基在目前的基礎上,Giloo 即將邁向下一步:為全球電影製作與流通,提出新的作法並打造下一世代的生態。AI,Web3 這些聽起來酷炫的名詞,將在 Giloo 落實成為改變產業的動能。你會參與一場前所未見最有意思的科技+文化的新創實驗,並且以科技的手法,串連全世界熱愛電影與影音故事的人們。

歡迎大家光臨我們的網站以及社群專頁,更希望有衝勁有經驗的朋友們加入 Giloo,一同定義下一世代的影音生態!


Empowering Storytellers and Creators in the Entertainment Industry with

  • Innovative tooling for monetization, fundraising, and audience acquisition and fan engagement
  • Marketplace for global content and resource distribution


Our Mission: Unleash the impact and values of visual storytelling creativity through technological and economic innovation.


1. 彈性上/下班、hybrid remote working

2. 優於勞基法的休假制度、員工健康檢查、意外保險等

3. 員工股票選擇權(ESOP)計畫


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Manager, Engineering
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Finance and Operation Manager
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Giloo 正在尋找一位高度積極的會計專員加入 Finance and Operation team,我們期待應徵者致力於在財會領域中發展職涯,工作細心負責,具備良好的團隊合作精神及溝通能力。 Team Culture: Collaboration and Support: 我們重視團隊合作、開放溝通,並相互幫助取得成功。 Proactive Problem Solving: 我們重視主動性...
3.5萬 ~ 4.5萬 TWD / 月