工作內容 (Job Description): 1、針對歐美市場進行銷售 (To be aimed at Western market for sales) 2、擬訂銷售策略與市場分析 (Formulating sales strategies and market analysis) 3、遊戲展會相關事宜處理 (To handle related issues of game shows)
工作內容 (Job Description): 1、針對歐美市場進行銷售 (To be aimed at Western market for sales) 2、擬訂銷售策略與市場分析 (Formulating sales strategies and market analysis) 3、遊戲展會相關事宜處理 (To handle related issues of game shows)
職責 Responsibilities: 1.3D/2D手機遊戲、主機遊戲開發、設計 Developing and programing for 3D/2D Game. 2.根據客戶需求,客製化遊戲內容及製作 Customize and implement game content from the requirements of Client 3.產品維護與問題排除及效能之優化 Maint...
職責 Responsibilities: 1.3D/2D手機遊戲、主機遊戲開發、設計 Developing and programing for 3D/2D Game. 2.根據客戶需求,客製化遊戲內容及製作 Customize and implement game content from the requirements of Client 3.產品維護與問題排除及效能之優化 Maint...