條件 (Requirements):
1、有軟體外包經驗者優先 (Experience in software outsourcing is preferred)
2、擁有銷售1年以上經驗 (1 years of experience in sales)
3、英文流利 (English proficiency)
加分 (Bonus point):
1、有遊戲產業工作經驗 (Experience in the game industry)
2、有軟體商務經驗者優先(Experience in software business is preferred)
3、擁有中英文外第三語言 (Have the third language)
其他 (others):
1、除基本底薪外,還有專案獎金機制 (Besides base salary, commission on projects are offered)
2、當業績達到高標KPI時,獎金幅度會再提升 (Percentage of commission will be raised upon performance surpassing goal)