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Service Fulfillment Planner 售後服務零件中心物料管理師

Job updated 12 months ago

Job Description

【Position Impact】
Service Fulfillment Planner is responsible for global after-sales service and coorperates with procurement, sales, and operations teams to conduct the best forecast analysis for parts/accessories in accordance with the organization's operational goals.
You will demonstrate collaboration with other functions to resolve requirements-related issues; drive improvement in forecast error by analyzing processes and recommending improvements to meet organizational goals and missions.

【Responsibility & Expectation】
1. Complete product requirements analysis and planning, including: ensuring accurate settings and data integrity in the system, reviewing exceptions, and executing demand plans on time
2. Collect relevant order data from the sales system for analysis and prediction, and provide advise for decision-making to stakeholders based on the analysis results.
3. Manage the production schedule of raw materials and semi-finished products, and monitor the inventory level, supply of semi-finished products and product distribution to ensure that demand planning and purchase schedule can be carried out as scheduled.
4. Highly sensitive to inventory turnover analysis, can formulate strategies through analysis content to help reduce turnover inventory
5. Familiar with using SAP ERP, Excel or SQL tools to analyze demand forecast for different products/parts/accessories.


1. 2+ years working experience in Electronics/Assembly/After-sales (Product Parts Repair) industry with a Bachelor’s degree in Business, Supply Chain, Engineering or related fields.
2. Focus on details and with ability to identify process optimizaton, can work in high efficiency.
3. Ability to navigate complex collaborative processes with an understanding of upstream and downstream impacts, and leverage communication and collaboration skills to embrace collaboration to achieve shared goals.
4. Good English communication capability, including writing and speaking

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Entry level
40K ~ 50K TWD / month
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