我們是 Gravity Sketch,一家專注於創新 3D 設計和數位創作流程的國際新創公司。我們的願景是讓設計師能夠在多平台上即時協作,創造嶄新的數位設計體驗。作為一名資深軟體工程師,你將負責設計與開發我們的 ReactJS 網站和 Java 後端,推動核心產品的創新與擴展。
[Key Responsibilities]
[What we are looking for]
[Bonus points]
Gravity Sketch 是一家位於倫敦的新創公司,我們致力開發改變 3D 創作和協作的產品,希望打造直覺且讓人身臨其境的3D 設計體驗。
透過建構全新的使用者體驗,以設計師為打造產品的核心用戶,Gravity Sketch 使每個人都能夠在 3D 的環境中快速構思、視覺化並即時傳達概念,從最初的設計發想階段,便可直接進入 3D 環境與他人進行溝通與協作。Gravity Sketch 主要的用戶群涵蓋全世界知名企業,包括汽車、運動品牌、工業設計、產品設計和概念藝術,為他們的創意工作流程需求提供革命性的解決方案。
Gravity Sketch is a London-based startup transforming 3D creation and collaboration. We are the developers of an intuitive and immersive 3D design and review tool.
With a re-imagined user experience that puts the designer at the centre of the creation process, Gravity Sketch enables everyone to quickly ideate, visualise and communicate concepts in real-time, from initial conception, straight in the 3D space. Gravity Sketch works collaboratively with creatives across multiple industries including transportation, industrial design, product design and concept art to deliver transformative solutions to their creative workflow needs.