靈智廣告,為全球前五大傳播集團之一Havas Group (漢威士集團) 的台灣子公司- Havas Taiwan.
Havas Taiwan分為兩大事業體, Havas Media Taiwan 與Havas Creative Taiwan.
Havas Media: we invest in media that matters. We understand where to find the most meaningful media using our unique Mx system. We build a Media Experience (Mx) that connects a client with their target audience – in the context of where they are, through the content they pay attention to.
Havas Creative: 擅長為品牌創造非凡的意義(meaningful difference), 以此讓品牌與消費者的生活連在一起.更強於將廣告/通路行銷/活動行銷/市調/CRM/數據行銷等專業, 整併於一個平台上, 為品牌提供面面俱到的服務.