Established in 1976 as one of India’s original IT garage start-ups, HCL is a pioneer of modern computing with many firsts to its credit, including the introduction of the 8-bit microprocessor-based computer in 1978 well before its global peers.
HCL Technologies is a next-generation global technology company that helps enterprises reimagine their businesses for the digital age. Our technology products and services are built on four decades of innovation, with a world-renowned management philosophy, a strong culture of invention and risk-taking, and a relentless focus on customer relationships. HCL also takes pride in its many diversity, social responsibility, sustainability, and education initiatives. Through its worldwide network of R&D facilities and co-innovation labs, global delivery capabilities, and over 150,000+ ‘Ideapreneurs’ across 49 countries, HCL delivers holistic services across industry verticals to leading enterprises, including 250 of the Fortune 500 and 650 of the Global 2000.
印度前三大IT資源整合公司,全球超過15萬的員工,目前在台灣合作夥伴有IBM / Microsoft / Google / HP.......等知名企業。
We offer an integrated portfolio of products, solutions, services, and IP through our Mode 1-2-3 strategy, built around Digital, IoT, Cloud, Automation, Cybersecurity, Analytics, Infrastructure Management, and Engineering Services, amongst others.
In today's uncertain world, not even the best contract can capture what will change tomorrow. A contract can only convert to business advantage through a value centric relationship.
Our belief in the values of trust, transparency, flexibility and value-centricity, fuelled by our philosophy of 'Employees First', ensures the continued pursuit of our customers' best interests.
Our customers endorsing the value we add to their business, everyday, is the biggest testament to our promise of taking the Relationship Beyond the Contract.
全球前十大軟體巨擘公司HCL Software (愛渠西來技術)於今年7月1日正式收購IBM Notes & Domino系列產品,並於12月4日在東京舉行全球發表大會,宣布Domino產品最新版本v11。該版本是HCL致力實現創新Domino生態系統現代化的重要指標,同時也是支援超過全球15,000家客戶及成功改造1,000萬個企業級應用軟體的重大里程碑。
目前全台已有逾半的金融業客戶採用HCL相關產品,像是利用Unica行銷自動化解決方案推薦銀行用戶最佳投資建議;台灣高科技製造業也導入HCL Security App Scan及Bigfix解決方案,協助管理裝置及軟體資產。此外,過去30年來,台灣企業包含銀行業、高科技製造業及中小企業,都十分依賴Notes/Domino的郵件及企業協同合作開發軟體平台。
為讓台灣企業可以盡快瞭解Domino產品最新版本v11的創新與精彩之處,HCL與奇唯將攜手陸續於12/11在台中、12/12在高雄、12/18在台北及12/19在新竹舉辦「HCL Domino 展望未來 精銳盡出」研討會,說明Domino及相關產品最新版本與優勢,並將分享企業導入HCL解決方案的精彩成功案例。巡迴活動完全免費,誠摯邀請您參加,詳情請參考報名連結:。
HCL於12月4日在東京全球發表大會中宣布的Domino v11最新版本,重點功能包括:
•Domino應用程式APP化:利用簡易資源快速將原有Notes應用程式,無須修改即可在Apple iPhone、iPad及Android和Chrome作業系統平板電腦直接使用。
•Domino Apps利用low-code開發:提供創新low-code開發模組,利用較原本速度快上60~70%的速率構建全新Domino Apps。無需任何專業技能,組織內的開發人員及分析師即可輕鬆快速地開發出全新、安全且功能強大的企業級工作流程應用程式。
•Domino Apps同步與集成:HCL Domino v11是迄今最開放的平台版本,它具有與Active Directory同步功能,同時也可簡化與 Microsoft 365 的整合,使所有企業能夠更充分地利用Domino中的其他工具和應用程式。
HCL是全球領先的軟體公司,分公司遍佈全球44個國家,總員工人數超過14萬人,2019合併收入為93億美元。HCL Software總部位於美國紐約,除協同合作平台Notes/Domino、企業入口平台Digital Experience、電商通路平台Commerce、行銷自動化產品Unica、應用開發產品Appscan及資產管理軟體BigFix外,未來也將結合美國軟體技術與全球開發人力,加速強化軟體發展。HCL結合新世代解決方案及應用程式,加速數位流程優化,協助企業滿足多元的技術和特定業務需求,實現數位轉型的目標。
HCL於2015年成立台灣分公司,未來將由IBM原有的Notes & Domino研發、業務、行銷及售後團隊服務台灣客戶,同時維持IBM研發夥伴的角色,加速發展各項軟體開發,此外HCL也成立HCL Software業務部門負責企業軟體營運。除了傳統銷售方式,HCL也將透過軟體即服務(SAAS,Software as a Service)方式提供企業客戶更便捷的合作方式,共同打造全企業快速應用開發平台。
HCL Technologies wins ‘Proactive Customer Service 2020 Microsoft Partner of the Year’ Award
Redmond, Washington / Noida, India — October 13, 2020 — HCL Technologies (HCL), a leading global technology company, today announced it has won ‘Proactive Customer Service 2020 Microsoft Partner of the Year’ Award. HCL was honored among a global field of top Microsoft partners for demonstrating excellence in innovation and implementation of customer solutions based on Microsoft technology.
“The Global Partner of the Year award is a testimony to the capabilities and investments HCL has made towards ensuring that our customers derive significant business benefits from their Microsoft Dynamics 365 implementations,” said Kalyan Kumar, Corporate Vice President and CTO for IT Services of HCL Technologies. “HCL’s Microsoft Ecosystem Unit, formerly known as HCL PowerObjects, has been a strategic anchor for these initiatives wherein we work very closely with Microsoft to deliver industry and horizontal solutions aligning with enterprise requirements for agility, speed, and innovation.”
The Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards recognizes Microsoft partners that have developed and delivered exceptional Microsoft-based solutions during the past year. Awards were classified in several categories, with winners chosen from more than 3,300 nominations across over 100 countries worldwide.
“Winning a Global
我們提供 勞保 / 健保 / 退休金6%提撥 / 商業保險(員工本人配偶及子女) 年薪結構為 本薪12個月 + 1個月年終 + 考核獎金,絕對優於市場水平 年假比照台灣勞基法,帶薪病假10天,優於台灣勞基法 提供 網路費補助 及 電話費補助,因為疫情或工作需求需要在家工作的員工
目前合作夥伴有Google / Microsoft / IBM / HP / Peloton ....。